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Visualizing Your Brand Perception with a Positioning Map: Part 1
Welcome to the first half of a discussion on the positioning map, a visual representation of your brand's perception as related to competing products. It's interesting to note that visual thinkers, people who describe thinking in pictures, are thought to represent about 60%-65% of the general population.
View Web PageGoogle Instant: Is it a Search Engine Positioning Game-Changer?
On Sept. 8, Google announced its new search functionality: Google Instant. This new search feature only works when a user is logged into a Google account.
View Web PageXerox Stretches its Brand Positioning
The lead sentence in a recent Wall Street Journal article reads, "Xerox Corp. is launching its most expensive advertising campaign in two decades, as Chief Executive Ursula Burns looks to reposition the company as more than just a copier maker.
View Web PageA Brand Position Lesson: Is 31 Years in the Same Position Too Long?
Ad agency Carmichael Lynch's most recent campaign for Harley Davidson featured the rebel slogan, "Screw it. Let's ride. " After decades of communicating Harley's brand position, it seems the agency has told its long-time client to just "screw it. " There's a brand position lesson to be learned here.
View Web Page2011 New Media Trends to Watch
We've had several clients ask us about 2011 new media trends, so here's a summary of my thoughts about what may transpire this year:
Facebook continues its rise. As Facebook approaches a billion global users, we're seeing only the beginning of big things from this social network.
Kodak -- Blindsided by the Digital Revolution
A decade ago, Interbrand ranked Kodak as the 16th most valuable brand in the world, worth $14. 8 billion. Its stock traded as high as $94 and the company employed 145,300 people worldwide.
View Web Page2012 Super Bowl Ads
Winning Ads of Super Bowl XLVI
Before getting to the winners and losers among the 2012 Super Bowl ads, allow me to digress. Borrowing from ancient practical wisdom, two is better than one, three is better than two. Consider a cable. A cable is a stranded cord.
Show Dad a Little Dove®
This Father's Day, Dove® wants to sell more product. So, it has jumped gender and journeyed into product line extension land. Unilever, the parent company, wants to sell dad antiperspirant, deodorant and soap. Yes, Dove for dads -- brand androgyny.
View Web PageSearch: Still the Most Strategic Internet Marketing Tool
It's 2012 so surely we've moved past the humdrum of basic search. Search engine optimization (SEO) and pay per click (PPC) are yesterday's news when it comes to strategic Internet marketing, right?
If you judge by what everyone's discussing, then you'd be right.
FedEx's Strategic Positioning Concept Absolutely, Positively Disrupted
FedEx founder Fred Smith wrote an economics paper while at Yale. The paper was about his idea to make an overnight delivery service more efficient by using the "hub and spokes" concept. His professor told him that it would never work and gave poor Fred a C.
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