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Brand Extension: Mayo move spread Heinz too thin to win
It happens every time I give talks here and around the country on brand positioning and brand extension. Rather than using PowerPoint presentations, I use products as props.
View Web PageGround control to Elon Musk
Elon Musk is widely known for his willingness to invest his mind and his riches to stretch the envelope on a variety of frontiers, from automobiles to software to outer space travel. Along the way, Musk has been the architect of brands that are leaders in their respective categories.
View Web PageWant to win in business? Google it.
Your business and your competitors have been Googlized. Google is the new Yellow Pages for everything. If we want to know how many times man landed on the moon, we Google it.
View Web PageDeming’s gift to marketers: Test. Optimize. Repeat.
William Edwards Deming is credited with launching the Total Quality Management movement that is the groundwork for our modern emphasis on efficient and effective manufacturing. Among his many accomplishments, Deming popularized statistical testing and analysis, which, it turns out, today helps marketers gain confidence in our work.
View Web PageBrand Purpose: Beyond features and benefits, companies win with their whys
Not too long ago, the popular advertising strategy was to promote product features like low calories, shavers with pivot heads and toothpaste that removes stains. Then we shifted to something with more personal relevance: product benefits.
View Web PageAs the World Changes, Much Stays the Same at Pizza Oven
DiPietro family employs more than 400 Stark Countians; invests millions of dollars into its multiple businesses and our community. Some things have changed since Joe “Papa Bear” and Georgia DiPietro opened the first Pizza Oven in 1956 on West Tuscarawas in Canton.
View Web PageRich Traditions Bring Sweet Success for Ben Heggy’s Candy
Family business approaches a century of handcrafted candy making; Focus is on keeping quality up and prices down. Residents of Stark County need not worry if they get a craving for chocolate.
Local favorite Ben Heggy’s Candy Co. , 743 Cleveland Ave. , has them “covered.
Experience, Quality Work Keep Custom Auto Body Shining Like New
Independently owned Stark County company has put more than 75,000 Northeast Ohio cars and trucks on the road again by mastering the art of auto body repair.
View Web PageHard Work & a Little Luck Lead to Laura of Pembroke’s Good Fortunes
Popular boutique thrives thanks to family’s dedication; Business’ stylish impact felt from California to Florida. If John B. Sirpilla — an original partner in Laura of Pembroke — were alive today, he’d give family members hugs and high fives for how far the business has come. John B.
View Web PageTaste Keeps Canton Coming Back to Johnnie's Bakery
Local bakery’s made-from-scratch treats with zero preservatives separate it from the crowd; hard work and dedication keep business rising. Baking has been in the Berkshire family’s blood for nearly 75 years. Jim Berkshire, owner of Johnnie’s Bakery, grew up in the bakery’s Canton location at 109 Wertz Ave. NW.
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