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Pick Super Bowl Ads Like the Pros

Eighty percent of Super Bowl ads don't sell. That's according to a new study by the research firm Communicus. And, article after article, like Advertising Age's most recent one titled, "Under Review: Is Super Bowl Worth $4 million?" (January 21, 2014) jam the pundit backstory to the big game.

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Repositioning a Brand: JCPenney showed brand reinvention can stretch only so far

The fortunes of JCPenney in recent years have ebbed and flowed (ebbed, mostly) in a manner that has become a textbook case about the folly of reinventing a brand with little regard to the position it already owns. This shows the challenges behind repositioning a brand.

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The Pendulum Of Brand Change

Vision without execution is hallucination. Your strategy determined and decisions made, it's time to execute. Turning the vision into reality, Business Strategy and marketing is where things can fall apart. Americans elected Barack Obama, then eight years later elected Donald Trump.

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Positionist Picks: 2010 Super Bowl Ads

Most Super Bowl Ads Fumble Great Positioning Opportunities

Positioning is how you differentiate a brand. Differentiation provides the reason why someone should buy from you and not another.

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The Key To Failure: Hyper-Commoditization

Rite Aid. General Motors. Krispy Kreme. Sbarro. Dollar Thrifty. Trump Entertainment. What do these brands have in common? They're all expected to go under this year. What is behind this failure?
Some say the answer is obvious. It's the "economy.

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Trout's Seven 'Abouts' Shape Marketing Strategy

Marketing strategy is first about finding your difference, then finding the best way to get your differentiating idea into the minds of your prospects and customers. The explosion of choice for the consumer is the direct result of the explosion of competition.

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Waggoner Chocolates Provides the World a Taste of Stark County

Local company sells the majority of its distinguished chocolates outside the area; Quality, creativity and consistency keep customers coming back for more. With Easter right around the corner, things are really hopping at Waggoner Chocolates, 1281 S. Main St. in North Canton.

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Great company slogans are difficult to create, but worth extra effort

Other than creating the brand’s name, the development of tagline might be marketer’s most important task. Great company slogans roll off our tongues like sweet candy, and many are so popular that people use them in their everyday conversations. Great company slogans, though, are much more than clever words.

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Please Pass the ... All-Purpose Sauce?

Quick! What's A. 1. ? (You answered, "Steak sauce. ")

Quick! Name a steak sauce. (You said, "A. 1. ")

Positioning marketing theory calls this "equivalence. " Steak sauce is A. 1. ; and A. 1. is steak sauce.

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Strategic Leadership: CEOs must define, promote differentiation

The foundation for effective strategic leadership is thinking through your organization’s difference, defining it and establishing it, clearly and visibly. For so many years, CEOs have focused on doing things better. Today, however, we realize this approach no longer is enough.

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