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#Halfpops uses #fullygenius targeted digital promotion to gain exposure
Who would have thought our very own web developers would be the prime audience for a highly targeted digital promotion? When I saw our web and content marketing team display a major affinity for Halfpops’ “coder challenge,” I had to investigate the campaign.
View Web PageFoundation for business success boils down to 4 basic principles of marketing questions
With more than 40 years invested in developing advertising campaigns in all sizes and dimensions, we have learned that regardless of the company or product, the foundation for the work boils down to four basic principles of marketing questions.
View Web PageCan New Packaging Enhance a Brand Position?
The Skinny on Diet Pepsi's New Can
After nearly two years of marketing dormancy, Diet Pepsi is introducing a new package for the brand -- the skinny can -- to reacquaint itself with current customers and entice new ones to try the product.
Grading the New Big Ten Logo
As the "resident expert" on logo design at the nation's leading agency in the practice of positioning, I was asked to provide a critique on the new Big Ten logo created by international design firm Pentagram.
View Web PageA New Year... A New Day For The Google Page Listing
With the velocity we face in the digital age, a review of what we "know" reveals that it doesn't take a year for that knowledge to become outdated. In fact, sometimes it only takes a few weeks.
View Web PageFish Or Cut Bait In Product Naming
Products come and products go. The same goes for product naming. Whether the consumer gravitates to particular products has everything to do with positioning, the quality of the products' differentiation and the perceptions associated with them. Perceptions begin anywhere the consumer encounters the product.
View Web PageJack Trout On Tiger Woods & Buick
On April 29, 2009, nearly seven months before Tiger Woods' auto accident and subsequent personal troubles, almost five hundred business and marketing executives gathered at the John S.
View Web PageJack Trout & Papa John's
On April 29, 2009, nearly 500 business and marketing executives gathered at the John S. Knight Center in Akron, Ohio to hear Jack Trout, acclaimed marketing strategist and author of numerous positioning books, talk about the twin of positioning, "repositioning.
View Web PageJack Trout: The 5 Tests of Obviousness
At Innis Maggiore's "Breakfast with Jack Trout" event, Jack Trout spoke of "The Five Tests of Obviousness. " He wrote more about these tests in his latest book, In Search of the Obvious. Dick Maggiore is Innis Maggiore's President & CEO.
View Web PageRepositioning with Crisis Communication
Click here to play video. "Repositioning" in a Time of Competition, Crisis Communication, and Change
On April 29, nearly five hundred business and marketing executives gathered at the John S.