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Advertise Responsibly®
After a recent lecture at Grove City College, a discerning student asked me the following question, “Do you ever find yourself losing sleep at night because of a marketing campaign you created that conflicted with your morals?”
My answer was easy and without hesitation. “No.
Great ads build on strong Super Bowl marketing strategy
If success were easy, history would not be filled with numerous flops from advertisers. Not always are ads built on strong Super Bowl marketing strategy.
View Web PageKnow Thy Category: A key in marketing communication strategy
It starts with the category. That’s the way our brains work. We think category first, then brand. A very contagious disease is spreading rapidly across the globe: infobesity. It’s an epidemic we’ve discussed previously. If information were calories, we’d all be obese. Infobesity has affected the human attention span.
View Web Page55 Years Later: Revisiting Jack Trout’s Original Article on Positioning
If you haven’t read Jack Trout’s original article on positioning, you can read it here. Published in Industrial Marketing in June of 1969, this single article was the foundation upon which Trout and Ries built their principles of positioning.
View Web PageBusiness Strategy: After finding your ‘why,’ it’s time to execute
Vision without execution is hallucination. Some say Thomas Edison said that. Others say Einstein. Whoever said it got it right. The ability to execute is inherent in good strategy. But the strategy won’t execute itself.
View Web PageHard Work & a Little Luck Lead to Laura of Pembroke’s Good Fortunes
Popular boutique thrives thanks to family’s dedication; Business’ stylish impact felt from California to Florida. If John B. Sirpilla — an original partner in Laura of Pembroke — were alive today, he’d give family members hugs and high fives for how far the business has come. John B.
View Web PageBarack Obama's New Media Fundraising
The story of Obama's success is very much a story about new media fundraising.
View Web PageThe Magnificent Seven: Best marketing books ever
If you want to get better and better at running your business, you would do well to read a few of the best marketing books of all time. Hewlett-Packard co-founder David Packard famously said, “Marketing is far too important to leave to the marketing department.
View Web PageIt’s a dog-eat-dog world: the rise of challenger brand advertising
There have always been brands like McDonalds, Nike, and Amazon, that dominate the headspace of consumers. Despite massive control of their respective markets, this shield isn’t entirely impenetrable. Challenger brand advertising has historically found gaps in their armor by bringing attention to consumer desires left unsatisfied.
View Web PageBrand a place like Canton: We can score big if we go all in
Canton and the National Football League have been the perfect pair for nearly 100 years, the peanut butter and jelly of the sports world. Pro football is in our DNA.
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