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Competitive Business Strategy: Find your playground
Does your business have a clear and well-articulated statement of strategy?
If not, you are at a disadvantage. You might have heard it said, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.
Propel on Right Track Back to Being Cool for Those Who Like To Sweat
On a very hot day last summer while tracking Tiger Woods at Firestone Country Club, I thought for a moment about buying a bottle of water. Shade was sparse and I grew sweaty and thirsty as I tried to keep pace with the tournament gallery on Firestone's rolling grounds.
View Web PageDifferentiated Content: The Key to Content Marketing
The likely key to content marketing has been discovered; It's probably not what you think.
Remarkably, 95 percent of CEOs whose companies use content marketing as a marketing tactic report they believe it has had no effect on their businesses.
Please Pass the ... All-Purpose Sauce?
Quick! What's A. 1. ? (You answered, "Steak sauce. ")
Quick! Name a steak sauce. (You said, "A. 1. ")
Positioning marketing theory calls this "equivalence. " Steak sauce is A. 1. ; and A. 1. is steak sauce.
Using Online Video in Your Positioning Advertising Mix
The times . . . they are a-changin'. Remember the days of dial-up? Slow downloads? Those days seem in the distant past. Viewing videos online is no longer cumbersome. Online video has moved into the mainstream, and that's good news for your positioning advertising mix.
View Web PageThe age of competition: A survival guide in a competitive positioning world
We live in a world where everyone is after everyone's business. And it's a world in which, if you lose your business, you never get it back. It's a competitive positioning world. A few numbers make the case.
View Web PageThe Dangers of Tinkering with Brand Identity
You Can Lead a Chevy to the Levee, but Can You Make it Drink Kool-Aid? Brand identity is a very delicate thing. Mess with it too much at your peril.
View Web PageCrisis positioning: Enhancing your image
A crisis can be the undoing of a company. Crisis positioning can also be handled professionally and soon forgotten. Rare is the crisis that actually enhances a company's reputation and position. Many PositionistView® readers remember the 1982 cyanide-in-the-Tylenol crisis.
View Web PageStrategic Leadership: CEOs must define, promote differentiation
The foundation for effective strategic leadership is thinking through your organization’s difference, defining it and establishing it, clearly and visibly. For so many years, CEOs have focused on doing things better. Today, however, we realize this approach no longer is enough.
View Web PageNot Backing Down: "The King of Beers" Wins Best Positioning Ad of Game 50
Our pick for best positioning ad for Big Game 50 is Budweiser - America's #1 full-flavored lager, 140 years and going strong with no apologies. Reins, Clydesdales, nostrils, snorting, heart pounding and then the visceral . . . Boom-boom, boom-boom, BOOM-BOOM, BOOM-BOOM . . . No Ponies.
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