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Think bothism to liberate your marketing

Many pundits in the world of marketing and advertising are obsessed with stuff dying. “Radio is dead in 10 years. This study proves it. ”

“TV is dying. ”

“Twitter learns to thrive or die. ”

“The end of advertising as we know it. ”

“Branding is dead.

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Niche Up for Success

With a GDP of nearly $20 trillion and a citizenry accounting for more than a quarter of the global household consumption, the United States is inarguably the most hyper-consumer economy in the history of the world. Hyper-consumerism begets hyper-competition. Hyper-competition is the No. 1 problem facing marketers today.

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The Undoing of GM

In the third decade of the 21st century, GM may once again be a big brand in big trouble paying the high cost of brand positioning failure. The company’s U. S. market share of 17.

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First-Party Data: The Most Valuable Asset in Your Business

You’ve likely heard the term “big data. ” Loosely, the term refers to the crunching of all the data in the world to put it to good use.

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Advertise During a Recession?

Fast-food giant McDonald's made a critical choice during the early 1990s recession that ultimately resulted in a loss of market share: McDonald’s chose to not advertise during a recession. Spending by consumers was declining, and the fast-food sector was hit particularly hard.

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Differentiation: The Secret Sauce of the Top-Trending Brands

Each year, publications like Vogue, CEO World, and other popular print and online outlets publish their top-trending brands to monitor in the coming year. We decided to take a deep dive on one of the top brand lists to see why the companies and products made the list.

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The Good Bad & Ugly of Bed Bath & Beyond – Positioning in Business

The other evening, my wife and I were discussing the recent bad news about Bed Bath & Beyond. Bemoaning the fact that this time it probably is the end (bankruptcy usually is), she ran to the store to get the last of a few products she typically buys there.

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AI-Powered Marketing – The Latest Disruption

If you’ve been around long enough, you remember the days when it was declared, “The internet is going to replace books!” When this was proclaimed, I worked at a book publisher (1993-94), and the owner feared he would be out of business within five years due to this proclamation by…

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Scratch me behind the ears. Chewy does — with something called positioning alignment.

A picture is worth a thousand loyal customers every week. We want to call out Chewy for a job well done and celebrate this positioning alignment. Pets mean a lot to their owners. And Chewy has come to mean a lot to those people.

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Advertise Responsibly®

After a recent lecture at Grove City College, a discerning student asked me the following question, “Do you ever find yourself losing sleep at night because of a marketing campaign you created that conflicted with your morals?”

My answer was easy and without hesitation. “No.

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