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Sears' saga found in snowblowers

Former Sears executive Steve Goldstein was so shocked when he found snowblowers for sale at his company’s Miami store that he wrote the book, “Why are there Snowblowers in Miami?”

That is but one of myriad anecdotes in Sears’ 120-year history, yet it reveals much about the thinking of those who…

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'Content marketing' lifts brands, engages customers

Bed Bath & Beyond, IBM, Goldman Sachs, Taco Bell, GoPro and Twitter all have at least two things in common. Each understands the need to win online, and each has an award-winning content marketing strategy.

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Generational Marketing: How can brands reach Gen Z?

Brands have always been focused on tailoring their approaches to various demographics, among them being generations. From messaging to tactics, brands must crack the generational marketing code for every demographic to achieve the best results.

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Google Punishes (And Rewards?) AI-Generated Content

Over the past year, the presence of AI-generated content has exploded across platforms like Google, including everything from generative fill to social media posts to blog articles. With numerous programs available to users, plenty have benefited from meeting today’s content marketing volumes.

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The Moment Of Aperture Meets The Transaction

Consider this the abbreviated version of the buying cycle: a shopper wants things, even things she doesn't know she wants, and she seeks these things out or they seek her out as she goes about her daily life.

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Big Data and Business: 2018 is the year of the algorithm

Making predictions is risky business, but putting our heads in the sand might be even riskier. As we begin another year, it is customary to look ahead and make decisions about where things are going. To that end, it would pay to heed the advice of J.

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Finding Your Trend: Using Google Hot Trends

Many of you may have recently asked me about some of the widgets and apps that track the hottest searches on the web over the past hour or day.

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Grading Top Ads on Creative Positioning

Creative positioning is essentially the art of expressing a differentiating idea while, at the same time, standing out in a cluttered media landscape. Before we begin grading others, it's time for a pop quiz. Name your ten most memorable recent advertisements.

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Supporting Local Business: Think outside ‘big box’

According to a recent report, Stark County’s population will continue to decrease, get older and have fewer dollars if our community stays on its current trajectory.

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Think bothism to liberate your marketing

Many pundits in the world of marketing and advertising are obsessed with stuff dying. “Radio is dead in 10 years. This study proves it. ”

“TV is dying. ”

“Twitter learns to thrive or die. ”

“The end of advertising as we know it. ”

“Branding is dead.

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