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Niche Differentiation Strategy: Mine riches in niches

Charlie Munger knows a bit about making money. Charlie, 94, is worth close to $2 billion. He is the very longtime partner of Warren Buffett, 87. Together they run Berkshire Hathaway. Both still go to work every day. Munger said, “The No.

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Advertise Responsibly®

After a recent lecture at Grove City College, a discerning student asked me the following question, “Do you ever find yourself losing sleep at night because of a marketing campaign you created that conflicted with your morals?”

My answer was easy and without hesitation. “No.

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Bud Light Violates Core Positioning Principles

Set the politics aside. Forget your values for just a moment. Bud Light’s marketing fiasco reminds us that violating positioning principles can cost you a lot more than advertising dollars.

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2020: Programmatic Advertising Comes of Age

The problem with mass marketing has finally been solved. The answer is programmatic advertising. Imagine two neighbors. Both watching ESPN. One sees your ad. The other doesn’t. The first is your target audience. The other isn’t. The promise of programmatic advertising has finally reached marketing nirvana.

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Brand Purpose: Beyond features and benefits, companies win with their whys

Not too long ago, the popular advertising strategy was to promote product features like low calories, shavers with pivot heads and toothpaste that removes stains. Then we shifted to something with more personal relevance: product benefits.

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Want to be like Buffet and Socrates? Read!

No less an authority than Warren Buffett believes reading is essential to business success. A Columbia University student asked Buffett what he could do to prepare for his career. Buffett thought for a few seconds and then said, “Read 500 pages a week. That’s how knowledge works.

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Super Bowl Advertising Effectiveness: winners and losers

Silly and sentimental. Advertisers play it safe this year.  

According to Nielsen, 51 percent of viewers prefer watching the Super Bowl commercials to watching the big game itself.  

Super Bowl advertisers are known for using Trojan horse strategy to slip their ad messages inside our gated minds.

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Big Data and Business: 2018 is the year of the algorithm

Making predictions is risky business, but putting our heads in the sand might be even riskier. As we begin another year, it is customary to look ahead and make decisions about where things are going. To that end, it would pay to heed the advice of J.

View Web Page, Doritos, Hellmann’s, Michelob Ultra, and Reese’s Win the Super Bowl Commercial Test™

Last year, we published “How to Critique Super Bowl Commercials” and the details of our proprietary, secret-sauce Super Bowl Commercial Test™.

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How are positionists leveraging AI in marketing?

AI is no longer a buzzword. It’s reality. Though the technology has existed for decades, it’s finally reached its peak momentum in terms of our awareness.

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