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Internal Positioning Will Have a Staggering Impact on Your Brand

We tell our clients and prospects every day that their company's position is never some outlandish idea with little relation to who they are and what they're all about. It's really quite simple and, in fact, in the words of Jack Trout, it's almost always "obvious.

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Quality Isn't Good Enough to Differentiate Your Brand

If you are tempted to say "quality" helps differentiate your brand, think again. Do you know how many times I've heard people say "quality" is one of the distinguishing features of their company's product or service? Fact is, I really can't give you a number tallying the total.

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Social Marketing ROI: July 2011 Update

In 2011 New Media Trends, I covered the trends we're seeing with Facebook and its climb to a billion members. According to its statistics page, the social network is now at 750 million plus members. One billion should be achieved by the end of 2011.

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Chevy's Brand Positioning Attempt

It Sure is Deep in Here: Chevy is "retooling" and "reinvigorating" so that you'll be "resonating"

Apparently, brand positioning and resulting sales no longer matter in the automotive business. It's all about resonating. Recently, GM Chief Marketing Officer Joel Ewanick told the world that the time had come.

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FedEx's Strategic Positioning Concept Absolutely, Positively Disrupted

FedEx founder Fred Smith wrote an economics paper while at Yale. The paper was about his idea to make an overnight delivery service more efficient by using the "hub and spokes" concept. His professor told him that it would never work and gave poor Fred a C.

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2013 Super Bowl Ads: A Contrarian "PositionistView"

Despite Super Bowl XLVII's historic 35-minute third-quarter blackout, the Big Show of Super Bowl advertising, what actor Bob Odenkirk's character in the Samsung Galaxy ad calls "El Plato Supremo!" went off with nary a hitch. "El Plato Supremo!" is Right.

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Brand Meaning: Can a Brand Change Its Spots?

Famed Apple Stores leader and Silicon Valley wunderkind Ron Johnson thought so. He swept in as JC Penney's new CEO with celebratory bravado. He promised to change the stodgy brand meaning to a younger, hipper and more upscale image. Seventeen months later, JC Penney's board fired him.

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Pick Super Bowl Ads Like the Pros

Eighty percent of Super Bowl ads don't sell. That's according to a new study by the research firm Communicus. And, article after article, like Advertising Age's most recent one titled, "Under Review: Is Super Bowl Worth $4 million?" (January 21, 2014) jam the pundit backstory to the big game.

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Airport Positioning: CAK on the Attack

Each edition of this publication, PositionistView®, highlights a noteworthy accomplishment or (more often) a stunning positioning "swing-and-a-miss" of a big brand. We choose big brands because they're easily recognizable and relatable. This edition focuses on airport branding and more.

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The age of competition: A survival guide in a competitive positioning world

We live in a world where everyone is after everyone's business. And it's a world in which, if you lose your business, you never get it back. It's a competitive positioning world. A few numbers make the case.

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