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How to Rate the Most Winning Super Bowl Ads
(Special to the Canton Repository)
In this year's National Football League AFC Divisional Round playoff game, Cleveland Browns Coach Kevin Stefanski was accused of playing it safe.
Five Influencer Marketing Tips for 2023
Influencer marketing is nothing new. In fact, it dates to the 18th century. But it’s evolved greatly, and you may need an influencer marketing agency to navigate the new reality. Today, influencer marketing is the word on the street throughout the social media world.
View Web PageHow to Critique Super Bowl Commercials
Every year, friends and family ask me if I watch Super Bowl commercials differently because I’m in the ad business.
View Web, Doritos, Hellmann’s, Michelob Ultra, and Reese’s Win the Super Bowl Commercial Test™
Last year, we published “How to Critique Super Bowl Commercials” and the details of our proprietary, secret-sauce Super Bowl Commercial Test™.
View Web PageProgressive's Brand Identity: In or Out?
Remember the 1997 movie called In and Out? It starred Kevin Kline as Howard Brackett, a Midwestern high school teacher who questioned his sexual identity after being pronounced gay on national TV by an Academy Award-winning former student.
View Web PageA Guide to Brand Positioning
The brand is the most important asset that a company has. Half of Coke's total value is attributable to its brand, over $70 billion. Disney's brand contributes 68 percent to its overall value.
View Web PageChange Communication: Repositioning
Click here to play video. (Or use this YouTube link. )
"Repositioning" in a Time of Competition, Crisis, and Change Communication
On April 29, nearly five hundred business and marketing executives gathered at the John S.
Viral Video Marketing: How Being Different, Relevant, & Good Can Get You Far
By now, you and nearly the entire world has had the opportunity to see and hear about the viral video for Susan Boyle, the dowdy-looking Scottish woman who appeared as a contestant on Britain's Got Talent, and shocked everyone with her incredible voice.
View Web PageJoining the Social Media Conversation
The most popular question we are asked on the topic of social media is how to join the conversation. When joining social media (the third level of participation) conversation, an organization intentionally commits to developing relevant content published on a regular basis.
View Web PageThe Dangers of Tinkering with Brand Identity
You Can Lead a Chevy to the Levee, but Can You Make it Drink Kool-Aid? Brand identity is a very delicate thing. Mess with it too much at your peril.
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