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Open, Sesame! Bert and Ernie Put Veggies On Kids' Wish List
It's easy to slide into cynicism, as the world tends to be a pretty heavy place sometimes. Today we fret more than ever that we are hurtling toward a gloom-and-doom destiny, so we fear.
View Web PageMarketing strategy and laws guide wins in marketing warfare
In science and society, laws come together in systems to lend order, guide actions and produce results or outcomes.
View Web PageDifferentiated Content: The Key to Content Marketing
The likely key to content marketing has been discovered; It's probably not what you think.
Remarkably, 95 percent of CEOs whose companies use content marketing as a marketing tactic report they believe it has had no effect on their businesses.
Grandmother's Original Recipe Helps MID'S True Sicilian Pasta Sauce Bite Into Market Share
Locally made pasta sauce is selling in thousands of supermarkets across 30 states; newly upgraded manufacturing facility is enabling additional growth. If Mideo Octavio, affectionately known to friends and family members as Mid, were alive today, he’d surely be wide eyed and smiling.
View Web PageGoogle Punishes (And Rewards?) AI-Generated Content
Over the past year, the presence of AI-generated content has exploded across platforms like Google, including everything from generative fill to social media posts to blog articles. With numerous programs available to users, plenty have benefited from meeting today’s content marketing volumes.
View Web PageBusiness Strategy: After finding your ‘why,’ it’s time to execute
Vision without execution is hallucination. Some say Thomas Edison said that. Others say Einstein. Whoever said it got it right. The ability to execute is inherent in good strategy. But the strategy won’t execute itself.
View Web PageFocus key to our Stark County economy
Whether local leaders who are mustering up an initiative to reverse our community’s economy will succeed depends largely on the resources at their disposal, the degree to which true collaboration is achieved and the quality of their ultimate plan.
View Web PageWhat is Positioning in Marketing? Why it's the CEO's Number One Role.
For so many years, CEOs have focused on doing things better. For a long time, this approach worked. However, a problem has surfaced over recent years as we realize that this approach is simply not working anymore.
View Web PageThe Undoing of GM
In the third decade of the 21st century, GM may once again be a big brand in big trouble paying the high cost of brand positioning failure. The company’s U. S. market share of 17.
View Web PageFord Finds Success Marketing In A Down Economy
Who said marketing in a down economy was tough?
Despite being in a down economy, Ford Motor Co. enjoyed four consecutive months of growing market share through January 2009.