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Digital Marketing vs Sales: Digital dictates need to reset sales and marketing
When I was a kid and my dad wanted to buy a car, the first place he would go was the car dealership. Dad wanted information and the car dealer had it.
View Web PageBarack Obama's New Media Fundraising
The story of Obama's success is very much a story about new media fundraising.
View Web PageFifty Years of Positioning: the 2010s
Hipster glasses, fidget spinners, statement necklaces, and a resurgence of boat shoes were all very big in the 2010s. These trends may never return. From 2010 to 2019, however, Innis Maggiore continued to build on its reputation for positioning.
View Web PageKeyphrase: Online Positioning
SEO, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, page rank, keyword strategy, online positioning . . . all words or phrases used to refer to achieving the optimal goal of a first-page result in a search engine.
View Web PageNiche Up for Success
With a GDP of nearly $20 trillion and a citizenry accounting for more than a quarter of the global household consumption, the United States is inarguably the most hyper-consumer economy in the history of the world. Hyper-consumerism begets hyper-competition. Hyper-competition is the No. 1 problem facing marketers today.
View Web PageGood Things Happen with Right Positioning Strategy
Great creative may touch a nerve, bring a tear or generate laughter, but it is doomed to fail as effective advertising if it is not built on a solid positioning strategy. Throughout the history of advertising, creative minds have toiled to make products popular and services desirable.
View Web PageLiving Your Brand Position
What I Learned On My 800-Mile Trek Across Texas Interviewing 85-Year-Old Widows
If you're a regular reader of PositionistView, you're well aware of our brand position philosophy -- employing a differentiating idea, a strategy of differentiating your brand against your competition in all of your marketing messages.
The Next Fifty Years of Positioning: the 2020s and Beyond
Where do you go when you’ve already experienced an inflatable billboard and an erasable man; hospitals, MEDsquads, flowers, and funerals; the first chicken that tastes like chicken served with the first cottage cheese with fruit inside; from spray tans and car washes to dust control and hazmat protection; pasta sauce,…
View Web, Doritos, Hellmann’s, Michelob Ultra, and Reese’s Win the Super Bowl Commercial Test™
Last year, we published “How to Critique Super Bowl Commercials” and the details of our proprietary, secret-sauce Super Bowl Commercial Test™.
View Web PageIt's Not the Economy. It's Brand Differentiation.
With a highly-publicized election right around the corner, a lot of debate seems to revolve around the economy . both sides blaming each other for high unemployment, taxes, national debt, and a volatile stock market.
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