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Positionist Picks: 2011 Super Bowl Ads

The Best and Worst "Positioning" Ads of the Super Bowl

The big game is over, but ratings, rankings and commentary on which Super Bowl advertisements and positivists fared the best and worst (fueled by the churn of Internet and social media, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, news.

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Cookieless Advertising: What's Next?

As we move away from cookie-based advertising and into a new, cookieless world, the question we hear most often is, “How can I effectively track and target our online audience now?”

For over two decades, cookies have been THE preferred way to record user activity.

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Blogging Your Corporate Positioning Strategy

Are blogs dead? Certainly they are no longer mentioned as a marketing panacea as they were at the turn of the millennium, but to call them dead would be far from accurate. Blogs are alive and very well, especially as a means to communicate a company's corporate positioning strategy.

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Niche Up for Success

With a GDP of nearly $20 trillion and a citizenry accounting for more than a quarter of the global household consumption, the United States is inarguably the most hyper-consumer economy in the history of the world. Hyper-consumerism begets hyper-competition. Hyper-competition is the No. 1 problem facing marketers today.

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Brands must be smart about their social media content strategy

Businesses churn out more and more messages, but ‘engagement’ from customers isn’t keeping pace. There’s only so much an audience can absorb. Businesses churned out three times more messages in the past year, but their prospects and customers didn’t pay any more attention to them. Not good.

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Barack Obama's New Media Fundraising

The story of Obama's success is very much a story about new media fundraising.

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Moral-based capitalism still best bet

Fictional character Gordon Gekko uttered a famous line that is far from fictional in describing the worst of capitalism. “The point is, ladies and gentlemen, that greed . . . is good. Greed is right.

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FedEx's Strategic Positioning Concept Absolutely, Positively Disrupted

FedEx founder Fred Smith wrote an economics paper while at Yale. The paper was about his idea to make an overnight delivery service more efficient by using the "hub and spokes" concept. His professor told him that it would never work and gave poor Fred a C.

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Social Media Communication: Social Is Anything But

It is said social media has changed communication. It hasn't. Communication is the same as it always has been. Message. Sender. Receiver. Social media's problem is the receiver. Most times there isn't one.

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Positioning Storytelling.

Is the advertising industry losing its way? The recent Wall Street Journal article about the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity seems to point that the answer to that question is yes. Positioning storytelling is weak.

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