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Core Values Still Digging Up Success for Beaver Excavating

High-quality service at a fair price is as important today as when Don Sterling founded the company in 1953; Day-to-day operations to soon transition to third generation.

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A Brand Position Lesson: Is 31 Years in the Same Position Too Long?

Ad agency Carmichael Lynch's most recent campaign for Harley Davidson featured the rebel slogan, "Screw it. Let's ride. " After decades of communicating Harley's brand position, it seems the agency has told its long-time client to just "screw it. " There's a brand position lesson to be learned here.

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The Moment Of Aperture Meets The Transaction

Consider this the abbreviated version of the buying cycle: a shopper wants things, even things she doesn't know she wants, and she seeks these things out or they seek her out as she goes about her daily life.

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Throughout Turnaround, Union Metal Keeps 'Getting Better Every Day'

Historic Canton light pole manufacturer gets second chance to make an even bigger mark in the important industry it helped to shape. Successful manufacturing operations are driven by innovation, productivity and safety. They continuously work to get better at each. Union Metal Industries Corp. , at 1432 Maple Ave.

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Tropicana: A Lesson In Brand Creative

There has been a lot of talk, by marketing experts and consumers alike, about the debacle of Tropicana's new packaging and brand creative.

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Toyota. Big Brand. Big Trouble

We've all heard the adage, "The bigger they are, the harder they fall. "  Nowhere is this truer than in corporate business today. The first decade of the 21st century has opened like a Greek tragedy with financial empires and kingdoms tumbling.

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Like a Good Neighbor, Carroll County Energy is There for Carrollton

Local community impacted greatly by $900 million investment in combined-cycle natural gas electric generation facility. Good neighbors aren't easy to find. Fortunately for Carrollton, Washington Township and Carroll County, Carroll County Energy came to town. Neighbors don't get much better.

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Niche Differentiation Strategy: Mine riches in niches

Charlie Munger knows a bit about making money. Charlie, 94, is worth close to $2 billion. He is the very longtime partner of Warren Buffett, 87. Together they run Berkshire Hathaway. Both still go to work every day. Munger said, “The No.

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Social Media Communication: Social Is Anything But

It is said social media has changed communication. It hasn't. Communication is the same as it always has been. Message. Sender. Receiver. Social media's problem is the receiver. Most times there isn't one.

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A Tale of Brand Meaning: LeBrand, The Champ. We, The Chumps.

It was 9:27 p. m. on July 8, 2010 that redefined Greenwich Mean Time, as that was the time LeBron James changed his brand meaning and kicked Clevelanders in their nether regions with malice on a nationally televised unspectacular spectacle from the Connecticut suburb.

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