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Keyphrase: Online Positioning

SEO, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, page rank, keyword strategy, online positioning . . . all words or phrases used to refer to achieving the optimal goal of a first-page result in a search engine.

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A Tale of Brand Meaning: LeBrand, The Champ. We, The Chumps.

It was 9:27 p. m. on July 8, 2010 that redefined Greenwich Mean Time, as that was the time LeBron James changed his brand meaning and kicked Clevelanders in their nether regions with malice on a nationally televised unspectacular spectacle from the Connecticut suburb.

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DEVO Whips Itself Into Shape With Positioning Marketing

Can music benefit from positioning marketing? Though an art form, it is also a product, so in that context the answer is a definite yes.

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Google Punishes (And Rewards?) AI-Generated Content

Over the past year, the presence of AI-generated content has exploded across platforms like Google, including everything from generative fill to social media posts to blog articles. With numerous programs available to users, plenty have benefited from meeting today’s content marketing volumes.

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It's Not the Economy. It's Brand Differentiation.

With a highly-publicized election right around the corner, a lot of debate seems to revolve around the economy . both sides blaming each other for high unemployment, taxes, national debt, and a volatile stock market.

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Positionist Picks: 2011 Super Bowl Ads

The Best and Worst "Positioning" Ads of the Super Bowl

The big game is over, but ratings, rankings and commentary on which Super Bowl advertisements and positivists fared the best and worst (fueled by the churn of Internet and social media, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, news.

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'Content marketing' lifts brands, engages customers

Bed Bath & Beyond, IBM, Goldman Sachs, Taco Bell, GoPro and Twitter all have at least two things in common. Each understands the need to win online, and each has an award-winning content marketing strategy.

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Mobile App Versus Mobile Website?

It's finally arrived! The impact of mobile -- proclaimed since Y2K -- is now actually influencing marketing decisions.

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Listening to customers improves understanding

Jack Welch, longtime CEO of General Electric, was known for his wise counsel on all manner of business matters. One of his famous quotes really hits home for companies as they come to terms with the importance of their relationships with customers.

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The Bare Essence of Brand Positioning Identity

I've noticed a trend lately toward minimalist brand communication on packaging.

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