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Big Brand News! Pepsi No Longer #2; Dr. Pepper Rises
If you’re familiar with the term “Cola Wars,” you’re young enough to know that it has always been and was always supposed to be: Coke v. Pepsi. The Taste Test. New Coke. Mean Joe Greene. Michael Jackson. The Polar Bears. Tina Turner. The Super Bowl Half-Time Show.
View Web PageThink bothism to liberate your marketing
Many pundits in the world of marketing and advertising are obsessed with stuff dying. “Radio is dead in 10 years. This study proves it. ”
“TV is dying. ”
“Twitter learns to thrive or die. ”
“The end of advertising as we know it. ”
“Branding is dead.
Fifty Years of Positioning: the 2010s
Hipster glasses, fidget spinners, statement necklaces, and a resurgence of boat shoes were all very big in the 2010s. These trends may never return. From 2010 to 2019, however, Innis Maggiore continued to build on its reputation for positioning.
View Web PageTop four marketing trends for 2020
Marketers are advancing into the new Roaring '20s as technology innovations continue at warp speed to power the ways in which we interact with our customers. To remain competitive — to retain and grow your customer base — it's imperative to assess and adjust your marketing activities.
View Web PageA CEO’s Guide to PR Crisis Management
Maybe it’s something in the air … or maybe even in the onions, but it’s clear that something’s rotten in the state of PR crisis management strategies.
View Web PageFoundation for business success boils down to 4 basic principles of marketing questions
With more than 40 years invested in developing advertising campaigns in all sizes and dimensions, we have learned that regardless of the company or product, the foundation for the work boils down to four basic principles of marketing questions.
View Web PageWinning, compelling content inspires audience to engage, buy
In a recent column, we quoted marketing guru Seth Godin’s profound observation, “Content marketing is the only marketing left. ”
Yes, compelling content marketing is that important. Content includes many tactics, from blogging, vlogging and social media posting to e-books, webinars, podcasts and email.
'Content marketing' lifts brands, engages customers
Bed Bath & Beyond, IBM, Goldman Sachs, Taco Bell, GoPro and Twitter all have at least two things in common. Each understands the need to win online, and each has an award-winning content marketing strategy.
View Web PageWe've crossed the 'creepy' line
Have Google and Facebook crossed the creepy line?
Former Google Chairman and CEO Eric Schmidt once said, "There's what I call the creepy line, and the Google policy about a lot of these things is to get right up to the creepy line but not cross it.
Brand Repositioning Misses: Lessons from Toys ‘R’ Us
Beyond my office window, directly across Whipple Avenue, sits the once mighty, and now vacant, Toys “R” Us building.
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