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We've crossed the 'creepy' line
Have Google and Facebook crossed the creepy line?
Former Google Chairman and CEO Eric Schmidt once said, "There's what I call the creepy line, and the Google policy about a lot of these things is to get right up to the creepy line but not cross it.
Winning, compelling content inspires audience to engage, buy
In a recent column, we quoted marketing guru Seth Godin’s profound observation, “Content marketing is the only marketing left. ”
Yes, compelling content marketing is that important. Content includes many tactics, from blogging, vlogging and social media posting to e-books, webinars, podcasts and email.
Brand categories great for selling, lousy for unifying our world
The numbers are mind boggling. Our amazing brains are wired with 100 billion cells, which researchers have found on average send signals 10 times per second. Each brain cell connects to 5,000 other brain cells, which means every time a cell fires, 5,000 other cells receive a signal.
View Web PageWant to win in business? Google it.
Your business and your competitors have been Googlized. Google is the new Yellow Pages for everything. If we want to know how many times man landed on the moon, we Google it.
View Web PageDifferentiating Your Brand
Differentiating your brand may prove quite a challenge. When we work with our clients on determining their differentiating idea we put them through our proprietary Appreciative Discovery®.
As part of the Appreciative Discovery, the following differentiating filter was developed.
Ford Finds Success Marketing In A Down Economy
Who said marketing in a down economy was tough?
Despite being in a down economy, Ford Motor Co. enjoyed four consecutive months of growing market share through January 2009.
Protect your brand with pricing strategies during inflation.
As we approach the general election this November, one of the key issues that candidates are scrambling to find answers for is inflation. With the cost of consumer goods going up (according to the U. S.
View Web PageHas Dr. Frankenstein Become a Celebrity Chef?
The sometimes-scary story of strange food brand collabs.
Sit down, relax, and join me in sharing food and drink that combines some flavors you would never have thought of (or asked for).
Fifty Years of Positioning: the 2010s
Hipster glasses, fidget spinners, statement necklaces, and a resurgence of boat shoes were all very big in the 2010s. These trends may never return. From 2010 to 2019, however, Innis Maggiore continued to build on its reputation for positioning.
View Web PageBig Brand News! Pepsi No Longer #2; Dr. Pepper Rises
If you’re familiar with the term “Cola Wars,” you’re young enough to know that it has always been and was always supposed to be: Coke v. Pepsi. The Taste Test. New Coke. Mean Joe Greene. Michael Jackson. The Polar Bears. Tina Turner. The Super Bowl Half-Time Show.
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