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Bud Light Violates Core Positioning Principles
Set the politics aside. Forget your values for just a moment. Bud Light’s marketing fiasco reminds us that violating positioning principles can cost you a lot more than advertising dollars.
View Web PageBrand categories great for selling, lousy for unifying our world
The numbers are mind boggling. Our amazing brains are wired with 100 billion cells, which researchers have found on average send signals 10 times per second. Each brain cell connects to 5,000 other brain cells, which means every time a cell fires, 5,000 other cells receive a signal.
View Web PageCompany Mission: Why does your company do what it does?
Why do we pay $1,000 for an iPhone X? Why do we pay $5 for a cup of coffee?
Many companies struggle to find their “why,” also known as their company mission.
Google Instant: Is it a Search Engine Positioning Game-Changer?
On Sept. 8, Google announced its new search functionality: Google Instant. This new search feature only works when a user is logged into a Google account.
View Web PageCreative Thinking in Marketing: Reaching brains through sweaty palms
‘Creatives’ conjure the words, pictures and sounds that drive advertising messages into our minds. Creative thinking in marketing is what helps drive results. Creative.
View Web PageJohnson Controls-Pro Football Hall of Fame Village deal is brand-building genius
Agreement announced Nov. 18 becomes day when excellence met excellence in Stark County. Chances are, most readers of The Canton Repository hadn’t formed much of an image about the Johnson Controls brand before last week, but that most certainly will change soon.
View Web PageDEVO Whips Itself Into Shape With Positioning Marketing
Can music benefit from positioning marketing? Though an art form, it is also a product, so in that context the answer is a definite yes.
View Web PageThe Death of Cookie Tracking Makes Way for Innovation
Advertisers have long been known for how well they accept change, pivot to new possibilities and adopt the newest technologies. There is not only an understanding of what’s out there now but also what’s on the horizon. The death of third-party cookie tracking is no exception.
View Web Page‘New Coke’ Failure: Why decision was too far out to swallow
In spite of the fact that tests showed the new formula tasted better than old Coke, customers believed otherwise. The New Coke failure happened because Coke tried to be something it wasn't.
View Web PageRepositioning a Brand: JCPenney showed brand reinvention can stretch only so far
The fortunes of JCPenney in recent years have ebbed and flowed (ebbed, mostly) in a manner that has become a textbook case about the folly of reinventing a brand with little regard to the position it already owns. This shows the challenges behind repositioning a brand.
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