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Progressive's Brand Identity: In or Out?
Remember the 1997 movie called In and Out? It starred Kevin Kline as Howard Brackett, a Midwestern high school teacher who questioned his sexual identity after being pronounced gay on national TV by an Academy Award-winning former student.
View Web PageUncovering the Social Media Landscape
In the first installment on social media planning, Innis Maggiore suggested that you always insist on a media plan regardless of the media. Social media is simply a subset of all available (traditional and new) media. Avoid the newness hype and be wise.
View Web PageFish Or Cut Bait In Product Naming
Products come and products go. The same goes for product naming. Whether the consumer gravitates to particular products has everything to do with positioning, the quality of the products' differentiation and the perceptions associated with them. Perceptions begin anywhere the consumer encounters the product.
View Web PageShould Deep Discounting Be One of Your Positioning Tactics?
As I mentioned in my first article of the year on 2011 new media trends, there are a lot of exciting trends on the horizon and many new media options starting to settle in as excellent positioning tactics.
View Web PagePositionist Picks: 2010 Super Bowl Ads
Most Super Bowl Ads Fumble Great Positioning Opportunities
Positioning is how you differentiate a brand. Differentiation provides the reason why someone should buy from you and not another.
A New Year... A New Day For The Google Page Listing
With the velocity we face in the digital age, a review of what we "know" reveals that it doesn't take a year for that knowledge to become outdated. In fact, sometimes it only takes a few weeks.
View Web Page'Content marketing' lifts brands, engages customers
Bed Bath & Beyond, IBM, Goldman Sachs, Taco Bell, GoPro and Twitter all have at least two things in common. Each understands the need to win online, and each has an award-winning content marketing strategy.
View Web PageDetermining the Best Social Media Positioning Strategies
Innis Maggiore attended three weeks of Facebook Bootcamp this past fall in search of the best social media positioning tips. Most of our associates attended the six-webinar series.
View Web PageUnified ID 2.0 (UID2) – The Promise of a Third-Party Cookie-less World
Google twice delayed the demise of the third-party cookie, the means by which all advertisers were able to track and analyze their marketing performance. With the delays, we who operate in a digital world breathed a sigh of relief. Why?
Because a plausible substitute wasn’t yet available.
Sears' saga found in snowblowers
Former Sears executive Steve Goldstein was so shocked when he found snowblowers for sale at his company’s Miami store that he wrote the book, “Why are there Snowblowers in Miami?”
That is but one of myriad anecdotes in Sears’ 120-year history, yet it reveals much about the thinking of those who…