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Every business should be building an economic moat

When investing in a company, Warren Buffett looks for those who are building an “economic moat. ”

The term is apt. Just as a watery moat protects a castle, building an economic moat is the protection a business gains by virtue of its competitive advantages.

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AI-Powered Marketing Offers One-to-One Personalization

AI-powered marketing is a buzz term in most of the online marketing pubs we read. A question typically posed is: Do any of us know how artificial intelligence will affect our marketing efforts? The answer is: not perfectly. Yet AI-powered marketing is beginning to show glimpses of viable use.

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Brand Extension: Mayo move spread Heinz too thin to win

It happens every time I give talks here and around the country on brand positioning and brand extension. Rather than using PowerPoint presentations, I use products as props.

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Repositioning Can Deliver The Advantage Your Business Needs

We hear often about repositioning in the world of marketing, but the truth is relatively few people truly understand what it means. Repositioning is about adjusting perceptions that already exist in the mind about your brand or about your competitor’s brand. Repositioning is not about changing minds.

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CTV Advertising – Can It Be Your New Marketing BFF?

For years, the promise of Connected TV’s (CTV) rise to prominence was predicted. Today, there’s no more prediction, just reality. According to Statista, in 2023, 88% of US TV households have at least one internet-connected device.

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You Have Their Attention – Now Get Their Trust

Whether it’s as simple as a handwritten sign reading “Lemonade Stand,” or as complex as a Super Bowl commercial, attention marketing can be reduced to winning the gaze of the prospect. This challenge isn’t an easy one.

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Brand Differentiation Is Why We Care

Positioning is the foundation to building a stronger, more valuable and sustainable product or service. Consumers come face to face with the principle of brand differentiation every day but hardly pay much attention because, well, it’s just there.

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Great ads build on strong Super Bowl marketing strategy

If success were easy, history would not be filled with numerous flops from advertisers. Not always are ads built on strong Super Bowl marketing strategy.

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Test, learn, tweak to formulate business strategy

Learning to write and solve equations is the foundation of formal education for many of us. There are thousands of equations and formulas that guide work in many industries, from making special alloy steel to building spacecraft that can travel to the end of our solar system and beyond.

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Open, Sesame! Bert and Ernie Put Veggies On Kids' Wish List

It's easy to slide into cynicism, as the world tends to be a pretty heavy place sometimes. Today we fret more than ever that we are hurtling toward a gloom-and-doom destiny, so we fear.

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