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‘New Coke’ Failure: Why decision was too far out to swallow

In spite of the fact that tests showed the new formula tasted better than old Coke, customers believed otherwise. The New Coke failure happened because Coke tried to be something it wasn't.

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An Introduction To YouTube Optimization

You might be surprised to learn that YouTube is the second-largest search engine. It's bigger than both Yahoo and Bing, and second only to Google. YouTube optimization, however, is something we must not forget.

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Fish Or Cut Bait In Product Naming

Products come and products go. The same goes for product naming.  Whether the consumer gravitates to particular products has everything to do with positioning, the quality of the products' differentiation and the perceptions associated with them. Perceptions begin anywhere the consumer encounters the product.

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Positioning is Only Natural

Mother Goose Knows This Stuff is No Mere Fairy Tale

Every spring over the last few years, Innis Maggiore has witnessed a wonder of nature that's also a real life application of positioning.

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Fifty Years of Positioning: the 1970s

Some things have changed since Dick Maggiore and his stepdad, the late Chuck Innis, founded Innis Maggiore in 1974 at the kitchen table of their home in Canton. But some things haven’t changed one bit.

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How to Rate the Most Winning Super Bowl Ads

(Special to the Canton Repository)

In this year's National Football League AFC Divisional Round playoff game, Cleveland Browns Coach Kevin Stefanski was accused of playing it safe.

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Competitive Positioning: Wal-Mart vs. Target

Times are topsy-turvy and one of the great reversals can be seen in the world of retail. And a lesson in competitive positioning is left to be learned. While Wal-Mart, the largest company in the world, has always dwarfed rival Target in size ($406 billion in annual revenue vs.

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Airport Positioning: CAK on the Attack

Each edition of this publication, PositionistView®, highlights a noteworthy accomplishment or (more often) a stunning positioning "swing-and-a-miss" of a big brand. We choose big brands because they're easily recognizable and relatable. This edition focuses on airport branding and more.

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Amazon and Whole Foods: What will grocers do?

Amazon has become the “everything for everybody” retailer, which in positioning parlance means it’s the opposite of the focused specialists. Amazon and Whole Foods getting together solidifies this. Back in the early days, Amazon’s positioning statement read: “For World Wide Web users who enjoy books, Amazon.

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Support Local Retail: It’s a jungle out there

As Amazon and other online operators change retail’s landscape, who will survive? If we don't support local retail, it may disappear. Not so many years ago, if you heard someone explaining the Amazon effect, you could assume it was about trashing the rain forest.

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