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Southwest Airlines: Aligning business strategy to brand positioning
Anyone who has been lost at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport knows the secret to effective marketing. First, determine where you are. Next, figure out where you want to be. And, finally, craft a plan to get there. That’s the equation for finding and executing effective business strategy.
View Web PageHard Work & a Little Luck Lead to Laura of Pembroke’s Good Fortunes
Popular boutique thrives thanks to family’s dedication; Business’ stylish impact felt from California to Florida. If John B. Sirpilla — an original partner in Laura of Pembroke — were alive today, he’d give family members hugs and high fives for how far the business has come. John B.
View Web PageNot Backing Down: "The King of Beers" Wins Best Positioning Ad of Game 50
Our pick for best positioning ad for Big Game 50 is Budweiser - America's #1 full-flavored lager, 140 years and going strong with no apologies. Reins, Clydesdales, nostrils, snorting, heart pounding and then the visceral . . . Boom-boom, boom-boom, BOOM-BOOM, BOOM-BOOM . . . No Ponies.
View Web PagePersonal Branding Builds the Value of ‘You, Inc.’: How to brand yourself
LeBron James, Donald Trump and many other celebrities know that each of us must be known for something. We need to market ourselves to further our careers. Determining how to brand yourself is more important than ever.
View Web PageBrand Reinvention: Reinvent or die
What do you do when even a good coat of polish doesn’t make your shoes shine anymore?
It might be time to buy a new pair of shoes. Whether we are talking shoes or business, how we handle disruptive threats makes all the difference in the world.
Scratch me behind the ears. Chewy does — with something called positioning alignment.
A picture is worth a thousand loyal customers every week. We want to call out Chewy for a job well done and celebrate this positioning alignment. Pets mean a lot to their owners. And Chewy has come to mean a lot to those people.
View Web PageNiche Up for Success
With a GDP of nearly $20 trillion and a citizenry accounting for more than a quarter of the global household consumption, the United States is inarguably the most hyper-consumer economy in the history of the world. Hyper-consumerism begets hyper-competition. Hyper-competition is the No. 1 problem facing marketers today.
View Web PageJoining the Social Media Conversation
The most popular question we are asked on the topic of social media is how to join the conversation. When joining social media (the third level of participation) conversation, an organization intentionally commits to developing relevant content published on a regular basis.
View Web PageRepositioning with Crisis Communication
Click here to play video. "Repositioning" in a Time of Competition, Crisis Communication, and Change
On April 29, nearly five hundred business and marketing executives gathered at the John S.
Generational Marketing: How can brands reach Gen Z?
Brands have always been focused on tailoring their approaches to various demographics, among them being generations. From messaging to tactics, brands must crack the generational marketing code for every demographic to achieve the best results.
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