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Artificial intelligence and marketing, the next big thing

Few would argue the impact of the wheel, the printing press, steam and gasoline engines, the telephone, electricity and the light bulb, nuclear power, the airplane, penicillin, the computer and the internet. Major inventions have shaped human development and powered society, culture and civilization.

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Focus key to our Stark County economy

Whether local leaders who are mustering up an initiative to reverse our community’s economy will succeed depends largely on the resources at their disposal, the degree to which true collaboration is achieved and the quality of their ultimate plan.

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Brand a place like Canton: We can score big if we go all in

Canton and the National Football League have been the perfect pair for nearly 100 years, the peanut butter and jelly of the sports world. Pro football is in our DNA.

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Old theory still explains a lot about business today

Psychologist Abraham Maslow in 1943 introduced a concept that today can help guide how we run and promote our businesses to achieve greater success. It's still relevant in advertising psychology today. You might remember Maslow’s “Theory of the Hierarchy of Needs” from your Psychology 101 class.

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We've crossed the 'creepy' line

Have Google and Facebook crossed the creepy line?

Former Google Chairman and CEO Eric Schmidt once said, "There's what I call the creepy line, and the Google policy about a lot of these things is to get right up to the creepy line but not cross it.

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Advantages to being first

One of the easiest ways to be remembered is to be first. Do you remember who was the first person to fly solo across the North Atlantic? Charles Lindbergh, of course. But who was the second? He was Bert Hinkler, considered a better aviator than Lindbergh.

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Nimbleness, Quality Fuel Growth at Premier Building Solutions

Stark County manufacturer has expanded three times since forming in 2008; Company setting itself up for continued growth in 2019 — and beyond. Some companies struggle to find buyers interested in their products and services. Massillon’s Premier Building Solutions never had that problem.

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Hard Work & a Little Luck Lead to Laura of Pembroke’s 
Good Fortunes

Popular boutique thrives thanks to family’s dedication; Business’ stylish impact felt from California to Florida. If John B. Sirpilla — an original partner in Laura of Pembroke — were alive today, he’d give family members hugs and high fives for how far the business has come. John B.

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CSE Federal Credit Union Puts the "Local" in Banking

Stark County credit union employs nearly 130 people at four locations, issued $110 million in local loans in 2018 and is evolving with ever-changing member needs. Inside its branches, in promotional materials, on social media channels and throughout our community, CSE Federal Credit Union pushes the message, “Bank Local.

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More than Dentistry, 'Dr. Mike' Keeps Stark County Smiling

Stark County's "Hardest Working Man in Dentistry" goes above and beyond to treat staff right and make a real difference in the community. A quote on display inside the office of Mike Thomas, DDS says it all. "Even the smallest act of kindness can be contagious. Spread kindness today.

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