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Building a Brand: Differentiate, strategize, target and shout from rooftops
Have you found your brand’s positioning idea? Southwest Airlines is low cost. FedEx is overnight delivery. Volvo is safety. When building a brand, you must differentiate.
View Web PageForging strategy for strengthening Stark County
An important report about recommendations for strengthening Stark County has huge ramifications for those of us who live, work and play here.
View Web PageWhat is Positioning in Marketing? Why it's the CEO's Number One Role.
For so many years, CEOs have focused on doing things better. For a long time, this approach worked. However, a problem has surfaced over recent years as we realize that this approach is simply not working anymore.
View Web PageFord Finds Success Marketing In A Down Economy
Who said marketing in a down economy was tough?
Despite being in a down economy, Ford Motor Co. enjoyed four consecutive months of growing market share through January 2009.
Super Bowl LIV Advertising: The game behind the game
(As seen in Crain’s Cleveland Business. )
Will more brands brave the political fray in 2020?
For many years, advertisers were cautioned not to mix brands with politics. Conventional wisdom said choosing sides was commercial suicide.
Think bothism to liberate your marketing
Many pundits in the world of marketing and advertising are obsessed with stuff dying. “Radio is dead in 10 years. This study proves it. ”
“TV is dying. ”
“Twitter learns to thrive or die. ”
“The end of advertising as we know it. ”
“Branding is dead.
Starbucks: Instant Bad Karma
Starbucks Devalues Its Brand - To Go!
Starbucks has become a target over the last year or so with both Dunkin' Donuts and McDonald's repositioning the coffeehouse chain to set up their own competitive positions.
Domino's Positioning: Are You Gonna Finish That Cardboard?
We Guarantee a Bad Product - Fast!
Let me see if I have this right: A major brand is spending lots and lots of money telling us that for years and years its product has always been lousy. Until now, that is. Thanks, Domino's.
Great ads build on strong Super Bowl marketing strategy
If success were easy, history would not be filled with numerous flops from advertisers. Not always are ads built on strong Super Bowl marketing strategy.
View Web PageSeasoned Super Bowl advertisers win on defense
The Patriots, keepers of the Empire, struck back Sunday, marking the sixth win for the oldest coach and oldest quarterback ever to win a Super Bowl. The game was eked out in slow, lethargic doses with only a few flashes of offense to break the comatose.
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