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Buzz Marketing
Buzz Marketing Spread your position through word-of-mouth buzz Buzz that’s effective gains “stickiness” in your customer's mind.
View Web PageiMail®
Marketing Automation Done SmartOur iMail® service is paired with our SharpSpring product offering to supercharge your marketing automation and content marketing. iMail comprehensive content marketing through direct emailing, social media management, tracking analytics, landing page generation and more can boost any marketing efforts.
View Web PageGo-To-Market Strategy
How Positioning Drives Your Go-To-Market Strategy (GTM) Are you managing your brand with random acts of marketing, and reacting to the whim of each of your sales team’s requests for their own sell sheets? Thoughtful, strategic, intentional planning is always better than reacting to last-minute, random organizational “ideas.
View Web PageChannel Strategy Agency
Choosing a Channel Strategy Agency A successful channel strategy involves carefully selecting the right channels, marketing and selling to them based on your position, managing them effectively, and creating a seamless experience for customers. Innis Maggiore can help you select the right marketing channels and manage them effectively.
View Web PageEmail Marketing Agency
How an Email Marketing Agency Can Supercharge Your Sales Email marketing … It seems like a pretty basic process. Write the email, slap a graphic on it, and press send.
View Web PageBrand Positioning Agency
The Point of Brand Positioning WHY NOW? The "triple threat" of marketing in today's world is: Positioning provides the prospect choice. Countless marketers, all offering their own propositions, are competing for the same time, attention and money you are. In any category, the glut of choices is paralyzing.
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