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The Practice of Positioning = Substance + Sizzle
If you read our post on Super Bowl ads, you may have noticed that our picks routinely (year in and year out) differ wildly from those of Ad Age, the industry's published mouthpiece for Madison Avenue big company advertising.
View Web PageLiving Your Brand Position
What I Learned On My 800-Mile Trek Across Texas Interviewing 85-Year-Old Widows
If you're a regular reader of PositionistView, you're well aware of our brand position philosophy -- employing a differentiating idea, a strategy of differentiating your brand against your competition in all of your marketing messages.
A Tale of Brand Meaning: LeBrand, The Champ. We, The Chumps.
It was 9:27 p. m. on July 8, 2010 that redefined Greenwich Mean Time, as that was the time LeBron James changed his brand meaning and kicked Clevelanders in their nether regions with malice on a nationally televised unspectacular spectacle from the Connecticut suburb.
View Web PageDEVO Whips Itself Into Shape With Positioning Marketing
Can music benefit from positioning marketing? Though an art form, it is also a product, so in that context the answer is a definite yes.
View Web PageGoogle Instant: Is it a Search Engine Positioning Game-Changer?
On Sept. 8, Google announced its new search functionality: Google Instant. This new search feature only works when a user is logged into a Google account.
View Web PageBlogging Your Corporate Positioning Strategy
Are blogs dead? Certainly they are no longer mentioned as a marketing panacea as they were at the turn of the millennium, but to call them dead would be far from accurate. Blogs are alive and very well, especially as a means to communicate a company's corporate positioning strategy.
View Web PageXerox Stretches its Brand Positioning
The lead sentence in a recent Wall Street Journal article reads, "Xerox Corp. is launching its most expensive advertising campaign in two decades, as Chief Executive Ursula Burns looks to reposition the company as more than just a copier maker.
View Web PageA Brand Position Lesson: Is 31 Years in the Same Position Too Long?
Ad agency Carmichael Lynch's most recent campaign for Harley Davidson featured the rebel slogan, "Screw it. Let's ride. " After decades of communicating Harley's brand position, it seems the agency has told its long-time client to just "screw it. " There's a brand position lesson to be learned here.
View Web PageMeasuring Apple's Brand Strategy
In the 2008 book, Killer Differentiators: 13 Strategies to Grow Your Brand, authors Jacky Tai and Wilson Chew conclude that Apple's brand strategy of consolidating software and hardware has "crippled its growth. " Are they right?
The answer to this brand strategy question may be a matter of perspective.
It's Not the Economy. It's Brand Differentiation.
With a highly-publicized election right around the corner, a lot of debate seems to revolve around the economy . both sides blaming each other for high unemployment, taxes, national debt, and a volatile stock market.
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