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In What Condition Is Your Marketing Position?
By now, if you've been reading PositionistView, you're well-versed in what a marketing position is, and how it can greatly affect the strength of your brand. And maybe now (in a down economy) a checkup is in order to discover the condition of your marketing position.
View Web PageWhen To Use Social Media Advertising
Google "social media advertising" and you will get all sorts of opinions on whether advertising in social media makes sense. One blog entry says that now's the time to start before it gets too crowded, and another says it's past its prime.
View Web PageFinding Your Trend: Using Google Hot Trends
Many of you may have recently asked me about some of the widgets and apps that track the hottest searches on the web over the past hour or day.
View Web PageRepositioning, Positioning's Twin Concept. Its Emergence Is Timely.
Positioning has become the most powerful concept in marketing. Positioning has a twin concept that has received little attention. In Jack Trout's latest book, Repositioning, released in October 2009, this twin concept is finally emerging into the light of the marketplace.
View Web PageA New Year... A New Day For The Google Page Listing
With the velocity we face in the digital age, a review of what we "know" reveals that it doesn't take a year for that knowledge to become outdated. In fact, sometimes it only takes a few weeks.
View Web PageDove For Men: From Line Extension To Line Extinction
The latest miscalculation in line extension is brought to you by Unilever, maker of Dove, the world's first "beauty bar. " Dove was one of the first products in advertising history to "be positioned.
View Web PageThe Practice of Positioning = Substance + Sizzle
If you read our post on Super Bowl ads, you may have noticed that our picks routinely (year in and year out) differ wildly from those of Ad Age, the industry's published mouthpiece for Madison Avenue big company advertising.
View Web PageRepositioning: Can BP Clean Up Its Marketing Mess?
I worked for BP 11 years, as copywriter and creative director at its agency prior to the Amoco merger.
View Web PageMeasuring Apple's Brand Strategy
In the 2008 book, Killer Differentiators: 13 Strategies to Grow Your Brand, authors Jacky Tai and Wilson Chew conclude that Apple's brand strategy of consolidating software and hardware has "crippled its growth. " Are they right?
The answer to this brand strategy question may be a matter of perspective.
Positionist Picks: 2011 Super Bowl Ads
The Best and Worst "Positioning" Ads of the Super Bowl
The big game is over, but ratings, rankings and commentary on which Super Bowl advertisements and positivists fared the best and worst (fueled by the churn of Internet and social media, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, news.