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5 Cheat Codes from a Google Ads Agency
If you’re a gamer, you know what it means to have a cheat code. For those who don’t game, consider these your five “secret sauces” that will bring unbelievable flavor (success!) to your Google Ads campaigns. These are compliments of the area’s leading Google Ads agency, Innis Maggiore.
View Web PageTen Common Online Marketing Mistakes
At Search Engine Strategies Conference in New York, I shared experiences with search marketers from around the world. We love sharing our successes. But by scratching the surface you can find a wealth of tips learned from mistakes.
View Web PageThroughout Turnaround, Union Metal Keeps 'Getting Better Every Day'
Historic Canton light pole manufacturer gets second chance to make an even bigger mark in the important industry it helped to shape. Successful manufacturing operations are driven by innovation, productivity and safety. They continuously work to get better at each. Union Metal Industries Corp. , at 1432 Maple Ave.
View Web PageSuper Bowl LIV Advertising: The game behind the game
(As seen in Crain’s Cleveland Business. )
Will more brands brave the political fray in 2020?
For many years, advertisers were cautioned not to mix brands with politics. Conventional wisdom said choosing sides was commercial suicide.
Digital Marketing vs Sales: Digital dictates need to reset sales and marketing
When I was a kid and my dad wanted to buy a car, the first place he would go was the car dealership. Dad wanted information and the car dealer had it.
View Web PageWant to be like Buffet and Socrates? Read!
No less an authority than Warren Buffett believes reading is essential to business success. A Columbia University student asked Buffett what he could do to prepare for his career. Buffett thought for a few seconds and then said, “Read 500 pages a week. That’s how knowledge works.
View Web PageThe Magnificent Seven: Best marketing books ever
If you want to get better and better at running your business, you would do well to read a few of the best marketing books of all time. Hewlett-Packard co-founder David Packard famously said, “Marketing is far too important to leave to the marketing department.
View Web PageBrand categories great for selling, lousy for unifying our world
The numbers are mind boggling. Our amazing brains are wired with 100 billion cells, which researchers have found on average send signals 10 times per second. Each brain cell connects to 5,000 other brain cells, which means every time a cell fires, 5,000 other cells receive a signal.
View Web PageEffective email marketing requires planning
Effective email marketing campaigns planned and delivered to a targeted audience at the right time can provide the highest return on investment of any digital marketing channel — by twice, if not more. It’s no wonder.
View Web PageSears' saga found in snowblowers
Former Sears executive Steve Goldstein was so shocked when he found snowblowers for sale at his company’s Miami store that he wrote the book, “Why are there Snowblowers in Miami?”
That is but one of myriad anecdotes in Sears’ 120-year history, yet it reveals much about the thinking of those who…