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A Brand Position Lesson: Is 31 Years in the Same Position Too Long?

Ad agency Carmichael Lynch's most recent campaign for Harley Davidson featured the rebel slogan, "Screw it. Let's ride. " After decades of communicating Harley's brand position, it seems the agency has told its long-time client to just "screw it. " There's a brand position lesson to be learned here.

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Watch Out for That New Media Advertising Magic Pixie Dust!

"We need to do social media!" exclaimed the CEO. "My kids are telling me it's the thing to do!" He continued, "If we could just get a few tweets out there, we could solve all of our problems. " Everyone's looking to new media advertising to change everything.

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We've crossed the 'creepy' line

Have Google and Facebook crossed the creepy line?

Former Google Chairman and CEO Eric Schmidt once said, "There's what I call the creepy line, and the Google policy about a lot of these things is to get right up to the creepy line but not cross it.

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"I See London, I See France ..." The Repositioning of a Word

Can words have a position? And, if so, can their positioning change over time? That is, can repositioning be achieved?

At Innis Maggiore, we know that the most powerful concept in marketing is to own a word.

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Repositioned for Stardom

This year, give the gift of branding. "Look, Santa baby! You're never gonna make it without a new image," was how his weary Tinseltown agent put it. Yes, Virginia, even that jolly old elf benefited from a branding makeover based on the time-tested principles of positioning.

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What do you get the person who has everything?

I cannot open my Twitter without being reminded by Trunk Club advertising that I'm a terrible dresser. They're all over me right now and, by all reasonable fashion conventions, they're probably right.

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Holding the Market Leader Position Swings on the Hinge of "IF"

Of all the ways to differentiate a brand, none is better than leadership. Leadership is its own credential. People naturally believe if you hold the market leader position, your product or service is better. The benefit of becoming a category leader goes well beyond bragging rights.

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Kodak -- Blindsided by the Digital Revolution

A decade ago, Interbrand ranked Kodak as the 16th most valuable brand in the world, worth $14. 8 billion. Its stock traded as high as $94 and the company employed 145,300 people worldwide.

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Show Dad a Little Dove®

This Father's Day, Dove® wants to sell more product. So, it has jumped gender and journeyed into product line extension land. Unilever, the parent company, wants to sell dad antiperspirant, deodorant and soap. Yes, Dove for dads -- brand androgyny.

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FedEx's Strategic Positioning Concept Absolutely, Positively Disrupted

FedEx founder Fred Smith wrote an economics paper while at Yale. The paper was about his idea to make an overnight delivery service more efficient by using the "hub and spokes" concept. His professor told him that it would never work and gave poor Fred a C.

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