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Show Dad a Little Dove®

This Father's Day, Dove® wants to sell more product. So, it has jumped gender and journeyed into product line extension land. Unilever, the parent company, wants to sell dad antiperspirant, deodorant and soap. Yes, Dove for dads -- brand androgyny.

View Web Page, Doritos, Hellmann’s, Michelob Ultra, and Reese’s Win the Super Bowl Commercial Test™

Last year, we published “How to Critique Super Bowl Commercials” and the details of our proprietary, secret-sauce Super Bowl Commercial Test™.

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Sharpen your focus for marketing magnificence

Smart marketers recognize they become stronger when they focus and reduce the scope of their activities. As powerful as the sun is with trillions of kilowatts of energy, the oceans aren't boiling. A laser, with only a few watts of energy, can drill a hole in a diamond.

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Brand Purpose: Beyond features and benefits, companies win with their whys

Not too long ago, the popular advertising strategy was to promote product features like low calories, shavers with pivot heads and toothpaste that removes stains. Then we shifted to something with more personal relevance: product benefits.

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Old theory still explains a lot about business today

Psychologist Abraham Maslow in 1943 introduced a concept that today can help guide how we run and promote our businesses to achieve greater success. It's still relevant in advertising psychology today. You might remember Maslow’s “Theory of the Hierarchy of Needs” from your Psychology 101 class.

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Seasoned Super Bowl advertisers win on defense

The Patriots, keepers of the Empire, struck back Sunday, marking the sixth win for the oldest coach and oldest quarterback ever to win a Super Bowl. The game was eked out in slow, lethargic doses with only a few flashes of offense to break the comatose.

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The Next Fifty Years of Positioning: the 2020s and Beyond

Where do you go when you’ve already experienced an inflatable billboard and an erasable man; hospitals, MEDsquads, flowers, and funerals; the first chicken that tastes like chicken served with the first cottage cheese with fruit inside; from spray tans and car washes to dust control and hazmat protection; pasta sauce,…

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Protect your brand with pricing strategies during inflation.

As we approach the general election this November, one of the key issues that candidates are scrambling to find answers for is inflation. With the cost of consumer goods going up (according to the U. S.

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Super Bowl Advertising Effectiveness: winners and losers

Silly and sentimental. Advertisers play it safe this year.  

According to Nielsen, 51 percent of viewers prefer watching the Super Bowl commercials to watching the big game itself.  

Super Bowl advertisers are known for using Trojan horse strategy to slip their ad messages inside our gated minds.

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Philly Dilly: Eagles Fly. Ads Flop.

Super Bowl advertisers are known for using Trojan horse strategy to slip their ad messages inside our gated minds. The strategy relies on creating commercials so entertaining and popular, culturally or socially relevant, silly or sentimental that viewers actually want to pay attention.

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