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By Dick Maggiore and Mark Vandegrift


Google Third Party Cookies PV

Google announced its initial intentions to eliminate third-party cookies in 2020.

Leveraging AI in Marketing-PositionistView

AI is no longer a buzzword. It’s reality. Though the technology has existed for decades, it’s finally reached its peak momentum in terms of our awareness.

Brand Distinction Pirate Ship

Not long ago, I got an email from LinkedIn with a digest of “Top job picks for you.

Pepsi No Longer #2

If you’re familiar with the term “Cola Wars,” you’re young enough to know that it has always been and was always supposed to be: Coke v. Pepsi.

Designing a New Category

Want to dominate a business category? There’s only one sure way to do it: create a NEW category.

McDonalds Krispy Kreme Cross Promotion Strategy

How sweet is the McDonald’s/Krispy Kreme cross-promotion strategy? Lots of people like McDonald’s. Lots of people like Krispy Kreme.

UID2 Third-Party Cookie

Google twice delayed the demise of the third-party cookie, the means by which all advertisers were able to track and analyze their marketing performance.

Bud Light's Culture in Advertising PositionistView

Don’t be like Bud Light — unless you have a billion to spare! What would you do if you woke up to find out that you’ve lost over a billion dollars?…

Challenger Brand Advertising Poppi vs Coke Pepsi

There have always been brands like McDonalds, Nike, and Amazon, that dominate the headspace of consumers. Despite massive control of their respective markets, this shield isn’t entirely impenetrable.

Discover the Benefits of Working With a CTV Advertising Agency

For years, the promise of Connected TV’s (CTV) rise to prominence was predicted. Today, there’s no more prediction, just reality.

» Innis Maggiore

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