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Quality Isn't Good Enough to Differentiate Your Brand

If you are tempted to say "quality" helps differentiate your brand, think again. Do you know how many times I've heard people say "quality" is one of the distinguishing features of their company's product or service? Fact is, I really can't give you a number tallying the total.

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Show Dad a Little Dove®

This Father's Day, Dove® wants to sell more product. So, it has jumped gender and journeyed into product line extension land. Unilever, the parent company, wants to sell dad antiperspirant, deodorant and soap. Yes, Dove for dads -- brand androgyny.

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Positioning Storytelling.

Is the advertising industry losing its way? The recent Wall Street Journal article about the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity seems to point that the answer to that question is yes. Positioning storytelling is weak.

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Airport Positioning: CAK on the Attack

Each edition of this publication, PositionistView®, highlights a noteworthy accomplishment or (more often) a stunning positioning "swing-and-a-miss" of a big brand. We choose big brands because they're easily recognizable and relatable. This edition focuses on airport branding and more.

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Pepsi brings the "craft" to cola

The craft beer industry is booming. But rather than fighting the trend, big brewers like MillerCoors and Anheuser-Busch are joining in and creating their own microbrews. Smaller, premium beverages bring a personalization to the drinking experience that mass-produced ones just can't match.

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What we can learn from Xerox and brand failures

Company failed (and failed again) when it strayed from its established core position. The basic positioning principle applies regardless of the size of your business or whether you sell to consumers or other businesses.

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Combat strategies win wars and help gain competitive advantage in business

Business marketers must know how to play offense and defense, and when it’s best to flank foes. Combat strategies win wars and help gain a competitive advantage in business. The competitive nature of business is such that it’s understandable for business people to compare marketing to war.

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Brand extension can help growth, but keep your focus

Companies must know the difference between line extension and a brand extension . . . and when to go each route. Apple CEO Tim Cook learned a gem of a lesson from the legendary Steve Jobs. “I learned that focus is key.

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R.I.P., Jack Trout, and Thank You for Positioning

Jack Trout helped put Naugahyde under our butts and Betty Crocker back in our kitchens, but most of all he put positioning top of mind for generations of marketers from Canton to China. When we think positioning, we think Jack Trout Positioning.

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Positioning and Papa John's: Backstory of how positioning propelled pizza giant

Papa John’s had brand positioning, but didn’t know it until a chance conversation. Positioning and Papa Johns go way back. John Schnatter, the founder and namesake of Papa John’s Pizza, started making pies in an oversized closet in his family’s tavern.

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