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When To Use Social Media Advertising

Google "social media advertising" and you will get all sorts of opinions on whether advertising in social media makes sense. One blog entry says that now's the time to start before it gets too crowded, and another says it's past its prime.

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Pick Super Bowl Ads Like the Pros

Eighty percent of Super Bowl ads don't sell. That's according to a new study by the research firm Communicus. And, article after article, like Advertising Age's most recent one titled, "Under Review: Is Super Bowl Worth $4 million?" (January 21, 2014) jam the pundit backstory to the big game.

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Culturalism Trumps Commercialism in Super Bowl LI

By Lorraine Kessler, Principal | Strategy & Client Service

The Super Bowl is over. Maybe one of the best games ever. But also, one of the most memorable in terms of politics and culturalism.

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Business Strategy: After finding your ‘why,’ it’s time to execute

Vision without execution is hallucination. Some say Thomas Edison said that. Others say Einstein. Whoever said it got it right. The ability to execute is inherent in good strategy. But the strategy won’t execute itself.

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Positionist Picks: 2010 Super Bowl Ads

Most Super Bowl Ads Fumble Great Positioning Opportunities

Positioning is how you differentiate a brand. Differentiation provides the reason why someone should buy from you and not another.

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Best marketers benefit by applying marketing laws in their work

Wouldn’t it be great if there were truly immutable marketing laws to help us with marketing our products and services?

There are laws in nature. There are laws in science.

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Growth Strategy: Grow your company by growing your reach

Marketers have heard for generations that 80 percent of our business comes from 20 percent of our customers, but a strong case can be made that this generalization doesn’t much apply anymore — if it ever did. Pareto PrincipleYou might have heard of the Pareto Principle.

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Big Data and Business: 2018 is the year of the algorithm

Making predictions is risky business, but putting our heads in the sand might be even riskier. As we begin another year, it is customary to look ahead and make decisions about where things are going. To that end, it would pay to heed the advice of J.

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Company Focus: Know your ‘why’ to focus on ‘where’ and ‘how’

In last week’s column, we discussed the importance of finding your “why” — the reason your company does what it does beyond making money. It’s wrapped around a higher purpose. The why is considered immutable. The answer, we learned, comes from the customer’s perspective.

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Brand Repositioning Misses: Lessons from Toys ‘R’ Us

Beyond my office window, directly across Whipple Avenue, sits the once mighty, and now vacant, Toys “R” Us building.

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