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Blogging Your Corporate Positioning Strategy
Are blogs dead? Certainly they are no longer mentioned as a marketing panacea as they were at the turn of the millennium, but to call them dead would be far from accurate. Blogs are alive and very well, especially as a means to communicate a company's corporate positioning strategy.
View Web PageUncovering the Social Media Landscape
In the first installment on social media planning, Innis Maggiore suggested that you always insist on a media plan regardless of the media. Social media is simply a subset of all available (traditional and new) media. Avoid the newness hype and be wise.
View Web PageThe Tale of Two Conglomerates
In talks I deliver on the topic of positioning, I often make an offer that elicits a great response from the audience.
View Web PageMarket Positioning and the Context Filter: Stanley vs. Kodak
In a recent planning session for our 50th anniversary events, I was surprised to learn that our senior project manager had specified a Stanley mug for our kickoff celebration swag bag. I’m a Yeti fan, so this choice raised my curiosity. I might have even expected Hydro Flask.
View Web PageMoral-based capitalism still best bet
Fictional character Gordon Gekko uttered a famous line that is far from fictional in describing the worst of capitalism. “The point is, ladies and gentlemen, that greed . . . is good. Greed is right.
View Web PageTendency to tinker your marketing business plan often too tempting
Sometimes the right thing to do is to do nothing, and that takes discipline. In marketing, as in investing, sometimes the right thing to do is to do nothing. But the tendency to tinker with your marketing business plan is often too tempting. Doing nothing is a decision.
View Web PagePositioning for Success: The Value of Designing a New Category
Want to dominate a business category? There’s only one sure way to do it: create a NEW category. As we learned from Jack Trout’s, Marketing Warfare, “if you’re not #1 or #2, be something new!” As positionists, we’re always encouraging our clients to stand apart.
View Web PageWhen To Use Social Media Advertising
Google "social media advertising" and you will get all sorts of opinions on whether advertising in social media makes sense. One blog entry says that now's the time to start before it gets too crowded, and another says it's past its prime.
View Web PageNiche Differentiation Strategy: Mine riches in niches
Charlie Munger knows a bit about making money. Charlie, 94, is worth close to $2 billion. He is the very longtime partner of Warren Buffett, 87. Together they run Berkshire Hathaway. Both still go to work every day. Munger said, “The No.
View Web PageSears' saga found in snowblowers
Former Sears executive Steve Goldstein was so shocked when he found snowblowers for sale at his company’s Miami store that he wrote the book, “Why are there Snowblowers in Miami?”
That is but one of myriad anecdotes in Sears’ 120-year history, yet it reveals much about the thinking of those who…