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Social Media Management
Talk to the world with a social media agency Social media is a must-have if you’re trying to be a force in any marketplace. Social media strategies have the power to reach groups who would otherwise never come in contact with your brand.
View Web PageBuzz Marketing
Buzz Marketing Spread your position through word-of-mouth buzz Buzz that’s effective gains “stickiness” in your customer's mind.
View Web PageBrand Positioning Agency
The Point of Brand Positioning WHY NOW? The "triple threat" of marketing in today's world is: Positioning provides the prospect choice. Countless marketers, all offering their own propositions, are competing for the same time, attention and money you are. In any category, the glut of choices is paralyzing.
View Web PageCause-Related Marketing Agency
Cause-Related Marketing Agency A Natural Part of Our Culture Innis Maggiore enjoys a legacy of helping charities or other causes large and small with our branding expertise and our full complement of marketing capabilities Maybe it’s because our agency has always been devoted to our community.
View Web PageHow to Make a Positioning Map
The Appreciative Discovery® How to make a positioning map and why it matters. Appreciative Discovery Sessions typically range between 3 - 4 hours. Effective marketing begins with getting your positioning right.
View Web PagePositioning
Positioning Strategy Positioning is the process by which a brand (a product or service) is marketed with the goal of owning a meaningful and differentiated idea in the mind of the customer. Seems simple enough.
View Web PageGo-To-Market Strategy
How Positioning Drives Your Go-To-Market Strategy (GTM) Are you managing your brand with random acts of marketing, and reacting to the whim of each of your sales team’s requests for their own sell sheets? Thoughtful, strategic, intentional planning is always better than reacting to last-minute, random organizational “ideas.
View Web PageStatistical Quantitative Studies
Statistical Quantitative Studies Turn Your Numbers into Strategies Statistics help inform decisions every day, so being able to interpret them and turn them into strategies is a requirement in business. Statistics are unavoidable in our day-to-day lives.
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