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Competitive Positioning: Wal-Mart vs. Target

Times are topsy-turvy and one of the great reversals can be seen in the world of retail. And a lesson in competitive positioning is left to be learned. While Wal-Mart, the largest company in the world, has always dwarfed rival Target in size ($406 billion in annual revenue vs.

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Uncovering the Social Media Landscape

In the first installment on social media planning, Innis Maggiore suggested that you always insist on a media plan regardless of the media. Social media is simply a subset of all available (traditional and new) media. Avoid the newness hype and be wise.

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Change Communication: Repositioning

Click here to play video. (Or use this YouTube link. )

"Repositioning" in a Time of Competition, Crisis, and Change Communication

On April 29, nearly five hundred business and marketing executives gathered at the John S.

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Can Color Affect Your Brand Positioning?

Or, does your brand positioning affect the colors you choose to represent it? The answer should be a resolute "yes" to both questions! Can you imagine drinking a bottle of Coke imprinted with a blue label rather than the familiar red and white? What if you pulled into a BP…

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Finding Your Trend: Using Google Hot Trends

Many of you may have recently asked me about some of the widgets and apps that track the hottest searches on the web over the past hour or day.

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Fish Or Cut Bait In Product Naming

Products come and products go. The same goes for product naming.  Whether the consumer gravitates to particular products has everything to do with positioning, the quality of the products' differentiation and the perceptions associated with them. Perceptions begin anywhere the consumer encounters the product.

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An Introduction To YouTube Optimization

You might be surprised to learn that YouTube is the second-largest search engine. It's bigger than both Yahoo and Bing, and second only to Google. YouTube optimization, however, is something we must not forget.

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Good Things Happen with Right Positioning Strategy

Great creative may touch a nerve, bring a tear or generate laughter, but it is doomed to fail as effective advertising if it is not built on a solid positioning strategy. Throughout the history of advertising, creative minds have toiled to make products popular and services desirable.

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Political Advice for Candidates and Marketers: Brand Perception Trumps Rationality

One of the primary principles of positioning is that minds don't change, at least not easily. If you are like me, the natural inclination is to argue with this principle.

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Not Backing Down: "The King of Beers" Wins Best Positioning Ad of Game 50

Our pick for best positioning ad for Big Game 50 is Budweiser - America's #1 full-flavored lager, 140 years and going strong with no apologies. Reins, Clydesdales, nostrils, snorting, heart pounding and then the visceral . . . Boom-boom, boom-boom, BOOM-BOOM, BOOM-BOOM  . . . No Ponies.

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