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Doing Things the Right Way Keeps Young Trucks’ Customers Rolling
Family-owned Canton company has eyes on growth as operations transition to fourth
generation. Doing the right things for the right reasons typically works out for the best. That’s precisely how things have played out for Young Trucks.
Can Color Affect Your Brand Positioning?
Or, does your brand positioning affect the colors you choose to represent it? The answer should be a resolute "yes" to both questions! Can you imagine drinking a bottle of Coke imprinted with a blue label rather than the familiar red and white? What if you pulled into a BP…
View Web PageHow Positioning Aligns With Search Engine Optimization
One of the principles of positioning is that there is a specific universe who cares about your difference. Not the entire universe, but a group carved out where your difference is high value and meaningful. Many experts call this focus. Some call it a purple cow.
View Web PageIn What Condition Is Your Marketing Position?
By now, if you've been reading PositionistView, you're well-versed in what a marketing position is, and how it can greatly affect the strength of your brand. And maybe now (in a down economy) a checkup is in order to discover the condition of your marketing position.
View Web PageNot Backing Down: "The King of Beers" Wins Best Positioning Ad of Game 50
Our pick for best positioning ad for Big Game 50 is Budweiser - America's #1 full-flavored lager, 140 years and going strong with no apologies. Reins, Clydesdales, nostrils, snorting, heart pounding and then the visceral . . . Boom-boom, boom-boom, BOOM-BOOM, BOOM-BOOM . . . No Ponies.
View Web PageCulturalism Trumps Commercialism in Super Bowl LI
By Lorraine Kessler, Principal | Strategy & Client Service
The Super Bowl is over. Maybe one of the best games ever. But also, one of the most memorable in terms of politics and culturalism.
Chevy's Brand Positioning Attempt
It Sure is Deep in Here: Chevy is "retooling" and "reinvigorating" so that you'll be "resonating"
Apparently, brand positioning and resulting sales no longer matter in the automotive business. It's all about resonating. Recently, GM Chief Marketing Officer Joel Ewanick told the world that the time had come.
Want to be like Buffet and Socrates? Read!
No less an authority than Warren Buffett believes reading is essential to business success. A Columbia University student asked Buffett what he could do to prepare for his career. Buffett thought for a few seconds and then said, “Read 500 pages a week. That’s how knowledge works.
View Web PageDigital vs. Traditional Marketing: Strategize first, then advertise
With so many media options, it’s difficult to know where to spend ad dollars with a comprehensive plan. Digital vs. traditional marketing decisions face us daily.
View Web PageRemarkable Flowers & People Keep Cathy Cowgill Blooming
Florist has been in business since 1909, is still family owned and was Stark County’s favorite again in 2018. The Cowgill family has been there for Stark County residents during emotional times for 110 years.
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