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Institutionalizing Your Position: A Key Employee Relations Strategy

Recently, I was at lunch with a friend who had just changed jobs. He happened to take a leadership position with one of our clients. As he was touring his new employer’s building, he entered the board room and saw a big phrase on one of the walls.

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Differentiate or Die by AI

One of Jack Trout’s most popular works – Differentiate or Die – was published in 2000, just after the Y2K “scare. ” The technology bubble was about to burst, and changes to our way of living and thinking due to the 9/11 disaster were just around the corner.

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Dilemma of the day: How to reach your target audience

In the era of digital marketing, many have come to believe marketing is as simple as plugging in your desired audience and watching the results flow. Our recent discussion with the Wizard of Ads, Roy H. Williams, though has us rethinking the expense and effectiveness of limiting your audience.

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Tropicana: A Lesson In Brand Creative

There has been a lot of talk, by marketing experts and consumers alike, about the debacle of Tropicana's new packaging and brand creative.

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Scratch me behind the ears. Chewy does — with something called positioning alignment.

A picture is worth a thousand loyal customers every week. We want to call out Chewy for a job well done and celebrate this positioning alignment. Pets mean a lot to their owners. And Chewy has come to mean a lot to those people.

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Midwest Industrial Supply has Growth, Success Under Control

Local family-owned company does its part to strengthen Canton, Stark County. Step into the offices of Midwest Industrial Supply — 1101 3rd St. S. E. in Canton — and signs of success are readily apparent.

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Bender's Tavern Brings Good Taste & Good Times to Stark County

Many people hungry in body and spirit have come to be fed and partake in the hospitality of ‘Canton’s Oldest and Finest’ tavern. If walls could talk, the ones inside Bender’s Tavern, 137 Court Ave. SW in Canton, would have plenty to say.

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Positioning Online: Why I.T. Can't Position Your Company Online

A little history: when the world wide web first appeared on the scene, companies had no idea what to make of it. Positioning online was not a thing. Since the web involved code and computers, it was a logical decision to put websites in the hands of the I.

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Super Bowl LIV Advertising: The game behind the game

(As seen in Crain’s Cleveland Business. )

Will more brands brave the political fray in 2020?

For many years, advertisers were cautioned not to mix brands with politics. Conventional wisdom said choosing sides was commercial suicide.

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Messaging Strategy: The Cute v. Clever Debate

It's a messaging strategy debate that rages wherever writers write or designers design. It's an issue that can boil the polar ice caps - and the gap between the two sides can be as big as the thousands of miles between our North and South poles.

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