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Email Marketing Agency
How an Email Marketing Agency Can Supercharge Your Sales Email marketing … It seems like a pretty basic process. Write the email, slap a graphic on it, and press send.
View Web PageCustomer Satisfaction Survey
Customer Satisfaction Surveys Find Out What You Do Best Innis Maggiore conducts quantitative and qualitative customer satisfaction surveys to get a sense of what your customers perceive about your organization. Word-of-mouth can have a major impact on your company – for better or worse.
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Focus Groups and In-Depth Interviews Utilize First-Hand Feedback from Your Customer Base Focus groups provide a level of personal face-to-face interaction that is most valuable. Customers are always leaving feedback for companies, yours included, be it through social media, third-party review sites like Yelp or directly on your website.
View Web PageOn-Pack Promotions Agency
On-Pack Promotions Agency Stand Out at the Absolute Moment the Buying Decision is Being Made On-pack promotions can be picked up, examined at length, and evaluated in the moment.
View Web PageJack Trout's Original Positioning Article
There's an old story about a traveler who was asking a farmer for directions to a nearby town. The farmer replied, "Well, you go down the road for a mile, turn left at the fork. No . . . that won't work.
View Web PageBuzz Marketing
Buzz Marketing Spread your position through word-of-mouth buzz Buzz that’s effective gains “stickiness” in your customer's mind.
View Web PageCreative Strategy Consulting
Creative strategy consulting with the nation's leading positioning ad agency Innis Maggiore can pilot your creative direction towards the best marketing strategy. Innis Maggiore will sculpt every inch of your campaign to suit your position and achieve conversion.
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Website Accessibility The Modern Storefront A Braille screenreader is used to interpret a website's content for a visually impaired user. The modern storefront no longer exists solely on the streets or lining the perimeter of a mall.
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Positioning Is Our Position: At Innis Maggiore, we bring a positioning perspective to help our clients win mind share against competitors, to drive their success and build long-term customer loyalty and market value. We believe positioning is the most powerful way to market, now more than ever.
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