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Pick Super Bowl Ads Like the Pros
Eighty percent of Super Bowl ads don't sell. That's according to a new study by the research firm Communicus. And, article after article, like Advertising Age's most recent one titled, "Under Review: Is Super Bowl Worth $4 million?" (January 21, 2014) jam the pundit backstory to the big game.
View Web PageThe age of competition: A survival guide in a competitive positioning world
We live in a world where everyone is after everyone's business. And it's a world in which, if you lose your business, you never get it back. It's a competitive positioning world. A few numbers make the case.
View Web PageRepositioning: Can BP Clean Up Its Marketing Mess?
I worked for BP 11 years, as copywriter and creative director at its agency prior to the Amoco merger.
View Web PageKnow where to aim with focused marketing strategies
No matter how great the tactics, you can’t win without the right strategy. How can you know where to aim if you don't start with focused marketing strategies?
Time and time again, we find that great execution can’t overcome bad strategy.
Solving a Whale of a Problem: Is it Time for a SeaWorld Positioning Change?
For generations, families have trekked to SeaWorld to see "Shamu, the killer whale. " More than the main attraction, Shamu is the face of the theme park.
View Web PageWhat we can learn from Xerox and brand failures
Company failed (and failed again) when it strayed from its established core position. The basic positioning principle applies regardless of the size of your business or whether you sell to consumers or other businesses.
View Web PageDomino's is Facing a Positioning Identity Crisis. Two actually.
In 2012, Domino's dropped "pizza" from its company name and unveiled a fresh, modernized logo. If you didn't know that happened, you're not alone. Now, more than three years later, Domino's is just starting to advertise the change. The company is having a positioning identity crisis.
View Web PageA Guide to Brand Positioning
The brand is the most important asset that a company has. Half of Coke's total value is attributable to its brand, over $70 billion. Disney's brand contributes 68 percent to its overall value.
View Web PageLiving the Life of a Positioning Consultant
There was a time when advertising and PR agencies not only wanted to be marketing partners with their clients, but they actually were. In a 2008 Advertising Age article, positioning consultant Al Ries said, "An advertising partnership should operate in much the same way as a marriage partnership.
View Web PageWaggoner Chocolates Provides the World a Taste of Stark County
Local company sells the majority of its distinguished chocolates outside the area; Quality, creativity and consistency keep customers coming back for more. With Easter right around the corner, things are really hopping at Waggoner Chocolates, 1281 S. Main St. in North Canton.
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