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Messaging Strategy: The Cute v. Clever Debate

It's a messaging strategy debate that rages wherever writers write or designers design. It's an issue that can boil the polar ice caps - and the gap between the two sides can be as big as the thousands of miles between our North and South poles.

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Super Bowl LIV Advertising: The game behind the game

(As seen in Crain’s Cleveland Business. )

Will more brands brave the political fray in 2020?

For many years, advertisers were cautioned not to mix brands with politics. Conventional wisdom said choosing sides was commercial suicide.

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Midwest Industrial Supply has Growth, Success Under Control

Local family-owned company does its part to strengthen Canton, Stark County. Step into the offices of Midwest Industrial Supply — 1101 3rd St. S. E. in Canton — and signs of success are readily apparent.

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Repositioning, Positioning's Twin Concept. Its Emergence Is Timely.

Positioning has become the most powerful concept in marketing.   Positioning has a twin concept that has received little attention.   In Jack Trout's latest book, Repositioning, released in October 2009, this twin concept is finally emerging into the light of the marketplace.

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Branding & Social Responsibility: Ability to respond an important responsibility

Terrell Owens, the former NFL All-Pro receiver, unprecedentedly is passing on attending his Pro Football Hall of Fame induction ceremony in Canton. It's a case study in branding and social responsibility.

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Fifty Years of Positioning: the 2010s

Hipster glasses, fidget spinners, statement necklaces, and a resurgence of boat shoes were all very big in the 2010s. These trends may never return. From 2010 to 2019, however, Innis Maggiore continued to build on its reputation for positioning.

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Company Mission: Why does your company do what it does?

Why do we pay $1,000 for an iPhone X? Why do we pay $5 for a cup of coffee?

Many companies struggle to find their “why,” also known as their company mission.

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Vern Dale’s Approach to Business as Refreshing as its Water Solutions

Family-owned Canton company’s quality equipment, products and customer service have made it a leader for more than 60 years. The crystal-clear water from Vern Dale’s Water Center systems is refreshing. So, too, is the way this leading water treatment company conducts its business.

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Can New Packaging Enhance a Brand Position?

The Skinny on Diet Pepsi's New Can

After nearly two years of marketing dormancy, Diet Pepsi is introducing a new package for the brand -- the skinny can -- to reacquaint itself with current customers and entice new ones to try the product.

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Effective email marketing requires planning

Effective email marketing campaigns planned and delivered to a targeted audience at the right time can provide the highest return on investment of any digital marketing channel — by twice, if not more. It’s no wonder.

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