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Don't Ask Me For A Marketing Tagline
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I'd like to turn your attention to the topic of branding, dispelling some common notions about what branding is, and what it is not. For starters, it is not a marketing tagline. A logo is not a brand.
Tropicana: A Lesson In Brand Creative
There has been a lot of talk, by marketing experts and consumers alike, about the debacle of Tropicana's new packaging and brand creative.
View Web PageGrading Top Ads on Creative Positioning
Creative positioning is essentially the art of expressing a differentiating idea while, at the same time, standing out in a cluttered media landscape. Before we begin grading others, it's time for a pop quiz. Name your ten most memorable recent advertisements.
View Web PageThink bothism to liberate your marketing
Many pundits in the world of marketing and advertising are obsessed with stuff dying. “Radio is dead in 10 years. This study proves it. ”
“TV is dying. ”
“Twitter learns to thrive or die. ”
“The end of advertising as we know it. ”
“Branding is dead.
The Undoing of GM
In the third decade of the 21st century, GM may once again be a big brand in big trouble paying the high cost of brand positioning failure. The company’s U. S. market share of 17.
View Web PageBig Brand News! Pepsi No Longer #2; Dr. Pepper Rises
If you’re familiar with the term “Cola Wars,” you’re young enough to know that it has always been and was always supposed to be: Coke v. Pepsi. The Taste Test. New Coke. Mean Joe Greene. Michael Jackson. The Polar Bears. Tina Turner. The Super Bowl Half-Time Show.
View Web PageYo Ho! Pirate Ship weighs anchor with brand distinction in a sea of sameness
Not long ago, I got an email from LinkedIn with a digest of “Top job picks for you. ” I’ve been at Innis Maggiore for over two decades and am not in the market to change that, but the first listing caught my eye.
View Web PageBoost sales with branded packaging design that aligns with your position.
If you’re a consumer product manufacturer, you’ve undoubtedly marketed your product through a variety of advertising, media, and PR tactics.
View Web PageHas Dr. Frankenstein Become a Celebrity Chef?
The sometimes-scary story of strange food brand collabs.
Sit down, relax, and join me in sharing food and drink that combines some flavors you would never have thought of (or asked for).
Barack Obama's New Media Fundraising
The story of Obama's success is very much a story about new media fundraising.
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