Last installment in four-part series shows that laws of marketing from nearly 25 years ago still elevate brands above their competition.
Jack Trout and Al Ries inspired a generation of advertising and marketing executives and creative directors when they published “The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing,” and for good reason.
In science and society, laws come together in systems to lend order, guide actions and produce results or outcomes.
Wouldn’t it be great if there were truly immutable marketing laws to help us with marketing our products and services? There are laws in nature.
In spite of the fact that tests showed the new formula tasted better than old Coke, customers believed otherwise.
The fortunes of JCPenney in recent years have ebbed and flowed (ebbed, mostly) in a manner that has become a textbook case about the folly of reinventing a brand with…
FedEx brand strategy delivered results. Changes in industry, however, leave company searching for new winning tagline. FedEx founder Fred Smith wrote an economics paper while studying at Yale.
In an era of information overload, brand differentiation strategy becomes more important than ever.
Ad agency people frequently hear the question, “How much money should we spend on marketing?” The question is pretty basic, but the answer is not a simple sum or percentage.