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How to Make a Positioning Map

The Appreciative Discovery® How to make a positioning map and why it matters. Appreciative Discovery Sessions typically range between 3 - 4 hours. Effective marketing begins  with getting your positioning right.

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Jack Trout's Original Positioning Article

There's an old story about a traveler who was asking a farmer for directions to a nearby town. The farmer replied, "Well, you go down the road for a mile, turn left at the fork. No . . . that won't work.

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CRM Agency

CRM Agency How a CRM agency can help you get the most out of your customer data. At Innis Maggiore, we understand the importance of efficiency and cleaning out the clutter of the workday. It’s not the data. It’s what you do with the data that matters.

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Customer Satisfaction Survey

Customer Satisfaction Surveys Find Out What You Do Best Innis Maggiore conducts quantitative and qualitative customer satisfaction surveys to get a sense of what your customers perceive about your organization. Word-of-mouth can have a major impact on your company – for better or worse.

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Focus Groups & In-Depth Interviews

Focus Groups and In-Depth Interviews Utilize First-Hand Feedback from Your Customer Base Focus groups provide a level of personal face-to-face interaction that is most valuable. Customers are always leaving feedback for companies, yours included, be it through social media, third-party review sites like Yelp or directly on your website.

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Web Strategy Agency

What Can a Web Strategy Agency Do For You? It might seem easy … find a web development shop and start designing a website. When you have experience in website development like Innis Maggiore, you find it takes a small village to deploy a website.

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Audio Streaming

Audio Streaming The right audio advertising ad agency can help you achieve breakthrough results Audio advertising strongly engages your audience Audio streaming is Radio 2. 0. It offers the reach and emotional engagement of traditional radio along with the targeting and trackability of digital programmatic.

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Cause-Related Marketing Agency

Cause-Related Marketing Agency A Natural Part of Our Culture Innis Maggiore enjoys a legacy of helping charities or other causes large and small with our branding expertise and our full complement of marketing capabilities Maybe it’s because our agency has always been devoted to our community.

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Statistical Quantitative Studies

Statistical Quantitative Studies Turn Your Numbers into Strategies Statistics help inform decisions every day, so being able to interpret them and turn them into strategies is a requirement in business. Statistics are unavoidable in our day-to-day lives.

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Investor Relations Firm

Investor Relations Positioning Helps You Stand Out to the Investment Community Positioning can help you stand out to investors by building an economic moat.

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