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Positioning delivers when marketing a professional business firm

Legion are the tales of marketing battles waged by brands that consumers see on retail shelves. But a huge number of businesses go to market every day with no tangible product — yet they are locked in marketing combat.

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The Good Bad & Ugly of Bed Bath & Beyond – Positioning in Business

The other evening, my wife and I were discussing the recent bad news about Bed Bath & Beyond. Bemoaning the fact that this time it probably is the end (bankruptcy usually is), she ran to the store to get the last of a few products she typically buys there.

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Positioning in Digital Marketing: Start with positioning to win online search

In the 1970s, Jack Trout and Al Ries first coined the term “positioning” for use in the field of marketing. It made an immediate impact, and nearly a half-century later, the term has become ubiquitous in the business world.

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Rich Traditions Bring Sweet Success for Ben Heggy’s Candy

Family business approaches a century of handcrafted candy making; Focus is on keeping quality up and prices down. Residents of Stark County need not worry if they get a craving for chocolate.  

Local favorite Ben Heggy’s Candy Co. , 743 Cleveland Ave. , has them “covered.

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Sears' saga found in snowblowers

Former Sears executive Steve Goldstein was so shocked when he found snowblowers for sale at his company’s Miami store that he wrote the book, “Why are there Snowblowers in Miami?”

That is but one of myriad anecdotes in Sears’ 120-year history, yet it reveals much about the thinking of those who…

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The Undoing of GM

In the third decade of the 21st century, GM may once again be a big brand in big trouble paying the high cost of brand positioning failure. The company’s U. S. market share of 17.

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Please Pass the ... All-Purpose Sauce?

Quick! What's A. 1. ? (You answered, "Steak sauce. ")

Quick! Name a steak sauce. (You said, "A. 1. ")

Positioning marketing theory calls this "equivalence. " Steak sauce is A. 1. ; and A. 1. is steak sauce.

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"I See London, I See France ..." The Repositioning of a Word

Can words have a position? And, if so, can their positioning change over time? That is, can repositioning be achieved?

At Innis Maggiore, we know that the most powerful concept in marketing is to own a word.

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Ground control to Elon Musk

Elon Musk is widely known for his willingness to invest his mind and his riches to stretch the envelope on a variety of frontiers, from automobiles to software to outer space travel. Along the way, Musk has been the architect of brands that are leaders in their respective categories.

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Repositioning: Can BP Clean Up Its Marketing Mess?

I worked for BP 11 years, as copywriter and creative director at its agency prior to the Amoco merger.

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