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By Dick Maggiore and Mark Vandegrift

Mark Vandegrift


Website Accessibility The Right Thing To Do

It’s no secret, the digital marketplace is at the forefront of our economy. Not surprisingly, websites are one of the most popular digital marketing tools available.

BTB on CTV Connected TV Advertising

Advertisers have long understood the potency of television (TV) as a brand-building medium for consumer products. However, business-to-business advertisers typically kept their distance, and for good reason.

Programmatic Advertising Revolution

The problem with mass marketing has finally been solved. The answer is programmatic advertising. Imagine two neighbors. Both watching ESPN. One sees your ad. The other doesn’t.

How to Market During a Crisis

The Chinese word for “crisis” is frequently cited for its use of two Chinese characters signifying “danger” and “opportunity.

Differentiated Content in Content Marketing

The likely key to content marketing has been discovered; It's probably not what you think.

Personalization in AI-Powered Marketing

AI-powered marketing is a buzz term in most of the online marketing pubs we read.

Amazon Causes Concern that Branding is Dead

We’re going to have to close our doors. We heard it declared twice last week that branding is dead because of Amazon. It is going to own everything.

Halfpops Digital Promotion

Who would have thought our very own web developers would be the prime audience for a highly targeted digital promotion? When I saw our web and content marketing team display a…

Why Trust the Cloud Marketing Strategy

For years, you’ve heard the term “the cloud. ” Some people trust it. But many don’t. Small- and mid-size business owners are often skeptical of the cloud.

Mobile, SSL and Speed in Website Positioning

Today, millions of consumers will log in to Amazon and other online retailers in a frantic search for the best Cyber Monday deal.

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