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Loyalty Program Agency
Incentive Programs Agency Loyalty is Too Valuable to Leave to Chance It costs 5 times more to acquire new customers, so increasing loyalty improves the bottom line. Incentive programs motivate loyalty and loyalty is worth a lot.
View Web PageHow to Make a Positioning Map
The Appreciative Discovery® How to make a positioning map and why it matters. Appreciative Discovery Sessions typically range between 3 - 4 hours. Effective marketing begins with getting your positioning right.
View Web PageWeb Strategy Agency
What Can a Web Strategy Agency Do For You? It might seem easy … find a web development shop and start designing a website. When you have experience in website development like Innis Maggiore, you find it takes a small village to deploy a website.
View Web PagePresentations & Webinars
Presentations & Webinars Your Trusted Presentation Design Agency for Impactful Presentations & Webinars When the pressure’s on, we need to be at our best when we’re making marketing presentations and webinars. Imagine you’ve been asked to be the keynote speaker at that major national industry convention in Las Vegas.
View Web PageGo-To-Market Strategy
How Positioning Drives Your Go-To-Market Strategy (GTM) Are you managing your brand with random acts of marketing, and reacting to the whim of each of your sales team’s requests for their own sell sheets? Thoughtful, strategic, intentional planning is always better than reacting to last-minute, random organizational “ideas.
View Web PageCustomer Behavior Modeling Firm
Customer Behavior Modeling Firm Predictive results with a customer behavior modeling firm. Innis Maggiore can help you understand your future markets better, with customer behavior modeling. See the future of your marketing with customer behavior modeling.
View Web PageCustomer Satisfaction Survey
Customer Satisfaction Surveys Find Out What You Do Best Innis Maggiore conducts quantitative and qualitative customer satisfaction surveys to get a sense of what your customers perceive about your organization. Word-of-mouth can have a major impact on your company – for better or worse.
View Web PagePress Materials
Press Materials From Press and Media Kit Development to Videos, the Right Information Helps You Make the Best Impression Outstanding press kit development and press materials will help differentiate your company, product, or big news in a meaningful way from what your competitors are doing.
View Web PageProgrammatic Agency
Ready for a programmatic agency? Innis Maggiore combines programmatic with positioning to take your brand to new heights. Target your audience with confidence and achieve your brand's marketing goals. Programmatic is the in thing.
View Web PageAudio Streaming
Audio Streaming The right audio advertising ad agency can help you achieve breakthrough results Audio advertising strongly engages your audience Audio streaming is Radio 2. 0. It offers the reach and emotional engagement of traditional radio along with the targeting and trackability of digital programmatic.
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