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Loyalty Program Agency
Incentive Programs Agency Loyalty is Too Valuable to Leave to Chance It costs 5 times more to acquire new customers, so increasing loyalty improves the bottom line. Incentive programs motivate loyalty and loyalty is worth a lot.
View Web PageBuzz Marketing
Buzz Marketing Spread your position through word-of-mouth buzz Buzz that’s effective gains “stickiness” in your customer's mind.
View Web PageOn-Pack Promotions Agency
On-Pack Promotions Agency Stand Out at the Absolute Moment the Buying Decision is Being Made On-pack promotions can be picked up, examined at length, and evaluated in the moment.
View Web PageBrand Positioning Agency
The Point of Brand Positioning WHY NOW? The "triple threat" of marketing in today's world is: Positioning provides the prospect choice. Countless marketers, all offering their own propositions, are competing for the same time, attention and money you are. In any category, the glut of choices is paralyzing.
View Web PageWeb Strategy Agency
What Can a Web Strategy Agency Do For You? It might seem easy … find a web development shop and start designing a website. When you have experience in website development like Innis Maggiore, you find it takes a small village to deploy a website.
View Web PageSocial Media Management
Talk to the world with a social media agency Social media is a must-have if you’re trying to be a force in any marketplace. Social media strategies have the power to reach groups who would otherwise never come in contact with your brand.
View Web PageSweepstakes Agency
Sweepstakes and Contests Agency Games and Other Fun Things Can Mean Serious Business Sweepstakes and contests can help both consumer and b2b companies reach audiences.
View Web PageJack Trout's Original Positioning Article
There's an old story about a traveler who was asking a farmer for directions to a nearby town. The farmer replied, "Well, you go down the road for a mile, turn left at the fork. No . . . that won't work.
View Web PageCommunity Relations Agency
Community Relations Agency Position Yourself Within Your Local Community. Having healthy and fruitful community relations can spell the difference between being “just another company” and being an integral part of your local community.
View Web PageHealthcare
The leading marketing strategy from a healthcare advertising agency There are three core qualities you should be looking for in a marketing partner. Innis Maggiore is a full-service healthcare advertising agency that has all the capabilities to handle your marketing needs.
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