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By Dick Maggiore and Mark Vandegrift

Dick Maggiore


Effective Strategy Southwest Airlines Value Proposition

The Southwest Airlines value proposition is a great example of aligning business strategy with the brand positioning idea. Southwest founder and CEO Herb Kelleher knew in his head and his heart that his airline could own the position of “low price” in his category...

Competitive Positioning and Papa John's

Papa John’s had brand positioning, but didn’t know it until a chance conversation. Positioning and Papa Johns go way back...

Have you found your brand’s positioning idea? Southwest Airlines is low cost. FedEx is overnight delivery. Volvo is safety. When building a brand, you must differentiate...

Southwest Airlines Aligning Business Strategy to Brand Positioning

Anyone who has been lost at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport knows the secret to effective marketing. First, determine where you are. Next, figure out where you want to be.

Optimize Your Business Strategy

Learning to write and solve equations is the foundation of formal education for many of us.

Entertain and Inform for Effective Advertising

Every ad person wrestles with the conundrum whether effective advertising should focus more on entertaining or more on informing.

Mickey Mouse Differentiation in Business

Winning brands are desirably different in consumers’ minds. Differentiation in business is what helps them win.

Importance of Brand Reinvention

What do you do when even a good coat of polish doesn’t make your shoes shine anymore? It might be time to buy a new pair of shoes.

Extensive Business Growth

Google, Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Microsoft are in a five-horse race to dominate global business.

Businesses Merging Data and Creative

Like scientists, many business folks have a deep-rooted belief that if they have all the information — all the data — they’ll be able to come up with the precise…

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